My energy should not be expended; it should be made

Dear friends,

Om shanti.  Many ask me how I create energy for my life, especially now, 

when I must be very careful about how I use energy.  It is through 

silence that I generate energy. My energy should not be expended; it 

should be made.  It should not be that because of service or work, that 

I remain busy without the time to see myself or know myself.  If I do 

not waste energy then energy will be there for me. Time, money and 

energy, do not waste these things.

Remain free of tension.  Have no worry and no extra thinking.  These 

things take your energy.  Be a loving and detached observer of life and 

remain in the state of love, happiness and peace, and you will have the 

energy you need at the time of need.


With love,

BK Janki


#10 Lucia 2015-02-27 22:02

#9 vandana sheel 2015-02-21 03:43
I am so looking forward to visiting the brahmakumari center in milpitas tomorrow and have a walk through experience of raj yoga meditation. Although BK Shivani does this in several of her lecture series I wanted to begin this as a routine.
#8 chitra sakthi vel 2014-12-30 12:46
dear madam,i read about being silent will sustain your energy and its really true, and i am benefitting through it .thank you so much
#7 sreedeviharidas 2014-12-19 10:04
Thank you so much...all your mail and articles are so knowledgeable and helpful.....thanks for all the TV shows too...Gratitude to the Almighty..and you all for all the awarness ...and being an instrument of GOD....many many thanksssssssssssssssssss
#6 Supratik SEN 2014-12-03 07:45
This is just to say to Dadi, an emphatic Thank you! I watch your discourse quite regularly. You sister Shivani, sister Jayanti handhold many of us around the world. Thank you!!! :-)
#5 Moderator 2014-12-02 17:19

Muthukrishan:  Dadi explains how to create energy through silece and not waste it.  Meditation is a very good practice to do this.  The Brahma Kumaris teach meditation at their centers.  If you live in India you can go to the website: and go to center neare you and you should find your local center.

#4 prabhakara misra 2014-11-30 17:45
Thanks to Dadi BK Janaki,I like her advice "Remain in the state of love,happiness and peace,and you will have the energy at the time of need."
#3 Rajeev Pahuja 2014-11-29 01:33
Dadi we are so blessed to have you.
#2 Muthukrishnan 2014-11-26 15:50
Dear Madam,

How to create enough energy within me. some times i feel very energy less eventhough i have good physical energy due to some issues in my mind feels that i dont have energy.

with regards,
Muthukrishnan K
#1 dinkar,vijapur. 2014-11-25 15:06
dadi you are maharathi.
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