Speak sweet words, my friend!

Dear friends, 

Om shanti.  This is the time to create an easy nature filled with truth, humility, purity, patience and maturity. Keep your mind cool – never flare up! When your nature is easy, your spiritual words are very attractive. Speak sweet words, my friend! Pay attention that your words are filled with sweetness and spoken in a soft voice. Speak in a way that you are able to go beyond sound.

The road of life is long.  But this is the most important age --- the Confluence Age. Value your time in this age. Stay in remembrance of God, and become full of peace and happiness.  

With love, 

Dadi Janki


#20 Moderator 2016-01-30 17:23

Deepika:  You can only be responsible for your own words.  If your attitude is loving towards another then that will also affect their response and give them an opportunity to also act with love and sweet words.  If they do not, you still keep your self respect and keep offering them love.  If you feel you do not have the strengh to do this, then go to God in your mind and with a true heart and receive strength from God (keep the focus on you, not the other) and God will help.  Take one step towards God that is filled with love and truth and God responds 1,000 fold.

#19 Deepika 2016-01-29 06:32
What we have to do if the others don't speak in sweet words?It affects us also?
#18 nitin shinde 2014-12-12 05:33
Om shanti
#17 amit sharma 2014-05-13 16:34
wow........now I cant waste even a single second. remembering god at this confluence age is the real happiness and achievement.
#16 chandra prakash goswami 2013-03-31 09:55
Omshanti Dadiji !
Beautiful lines,
Sweet thoughts, sweet words, and sweet acts makes us sweet. Feel sweet by thinking sweetly and experience sweetness. God makes us sweet through Shrimat.

Really I like thanks .
#15 AJAY 2013-03-30 22:30
Om Shanti....Peace...
Thanks for your lovely, nourishing, comforting words..
#14 Padma 2013-03-30 17:37
Om Shanthi, DadiJi:
Earth's Natural creations ( Mountains, Rivers, Forests etc..)are a very good example to learn through its beauty,changing colours and bold expressions of trees,quiet journey of rivers with melodious sounds without any loud words. These natural beauty helps and inspires all human kind to attain their self-realisation through 'Meditation". Om Shanthi.
#13 Mahendra 2013-03-30 05:54
Dadiji......succinct msg saying much more ! Many thanks. Omshanti!
#12 Sivakumar S 2013-03-28 08:29
this lines will help us to create an good and peaceful environment...........thanks Dadiji
#11 Tuhin Monigram 2013-03-27 16:14
Thank you GOD
#10 Miriam de Fátima Oliveira 2013-03-26 10:32
Om Shanti...thanks Dadiji!
#9 shubham ojha 2013-03-26 03:36
Its very nice........very true.......I liked very much......
#8 Bk.opus 2013-03-25 21:18
Sweet thoughts, sweet words, and sweet acts makes us sweet. Feel sweet by thinking sweetly and experience sweetness. God makes us sweet through Shrimat.
#7 B.k.Abhimanyu 2013-03-25 15:32
Hon'ble catylist of dynamic change.
a lot of salute all of u
#6 Rajkumar 2013-03-25 14:48
Really I like thanks
#5 ma 2013-03-25 10:17
among the daily scatter of chaotic moves of self and others, its soothing to imagine the need to create peace from within and try to follow it, when everything is leading astray from it
#4 Margaret McCathie 2013-03-25 06:04
Think before you speak. Would my words create any sorrow? Use our words carefully,so that they create benefit for others.We uplift others by our sweetness and gentle words.Om Shanti.
#3 RABINDRA NARAYAN SINGH 2013-03-25 05:24
Thanks for creating this kind of spiritual awareness in this already polluted world.Every body needs this most
valuable warning in this most valuable time.
Please keep it up.
#2 himani 2013-03-25 04:42
<3 u dadi..:)
#1 Aradhana 2013-03-25 04:36
Omshanti Dadiji !
Beautiful lines
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Words for the World - Desires

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