Freedom from bondage

Dear friend,

Om shanti.  Now is the time for us to experience freedom, but you may

find that some kind of bondage is limiting your freedom. We experience

being in bondage when we have desire.  We may see it as our

responsibility to give happiness through those relationships.  However,

there is the experience that no matter how much you try to make others

happy, they are not satisfied.  Bondage arises when we are trying to

make others happy and they respond with sorrow.  If there is some

bondage, I will feel sorrow when I try to disengage. These are

relationships based on the body.  When one of you leaves, there is

sorrow and tears.  What we want is to be able to stabilize the self and

not take sorrow.

Have the deep realization that “I want to be free from any bondage in

the world.”  Dadi has received liberation from the Divine, from all that

is negative, and liberation in life – the experience of peace, love and

joy while in this body. Have no more bondage to customs, systems, or


The deeper you go within to look at yourself, the more you’ll be able to

understand. Sometimes those bondages don’t allow you to go deeper.  Keep

the faith that you are making this connection with the Divine, from whom

you are claiming all powers, and you will experience true freedom.


With love,

BK Janki


#16 shubham 2014-04-03 09:27
OM Shanti.
#15 jerry rossman 2013-12-24 01:50
I am so grateful for this message of hope and strength. By knowing the true Self, the Soul, I am happy and in bliss. God, the Source of all souls, is benificent and I am one with The Soul forever.
#14 shiv 2013-10-29 15:55
Thank you Dadi Ji, Nice message we should be free from all bondage and we should have all relationship with one supreme Father Shiv Baba Om Shanti.
#13 Margaret McCathie 2013-10-28 04:28
You cannot make someone happy neither can anyone make you happy. Happiness is our true nature,only by going into silence and experiencing God,s love can we feel true happiness. No things can make us happy, they give us temporary enjoyment and pleasure but not true happiness. Om Shanti.
#12 Moderator 2013-10-27 23:49

Gursewak singh:  The root cause of suffering are the vices, ego certainly and the others; anger, greed attachment and lust are just behind.  We forget who we really are, a soul, and act on the basis of body conciousness which is false and this brings a lot of sorrow and suffering.

#11 Moderator 2013-10-27 00:08

Sumalatha:  The first step is to really want to become free internally. Take a step of coureage and God will help. As Dadi says "keep the faith that you are making this connection with the Divine, from whom you are claiming all powers, and you will experience true freedom."  Also do not see yourslef as week.  Yes we all have weaknesses, but with God's help we need to re-emerge our strengths which are innate in us, as Gods children.

#10 bk.marappan 2013-10-25 23:05
Great advice for us to practice,thanks Dadiji
#9 sumalatha 2013-10-23 21:57
Its true.But its really very tough can my soul too follow this tough path?
its almost impossible for me how many years will it take for me please help this weak soul.
#8 Poulami Aikat 2013-10-23 21:28
Thank u dadi jii...very nice msg. Om shanti om shanti om shanti.
#7 Gursewak singh 2013-10-23 13:45
Dear dadi ge Om Shanti If there is some bondage, I will feel sorrow when I try to disengage. These are relationships based on the body.

Is the root cause of these suffering our ego?
#6 sonia 2013-10-22 18:32
Absolutely true.
#5 saroj kumar Das 2013-10-21 17:04
Respected Dadiji,
Nice fruitful and valuable message for every individual soul in this world. Give us solace of happiness in this negativity whole around.
Thx dadiji,regds,
#4 Mala Nayar 2013-10-21 13:31
Happiness, peace and love are within us. We can be happy in all the situations. But if we are not free from bondage we become dependent on others for our own happiness. Therefore, we should make ourselves free of any bondage. Why should we give our happiness on others hand? Talk to yourself and become free of any bondage and enjoy life.
#3 jonnie 2013-10-21 10:18
simply ... thank you.
#2 B 2013-10-21 09:11
Dear Dadi, what a lovely message. I have tried to please someone for over ten years and he was never satisfied and eventually the realtionship broke and we have separated. During that relationship I always felt like I was in a cage or bondage from freedom. However it has been few years since the separation but I still feel bondage. It just shows that true freedom is in me within me not outside anywhere. Om shati.
#1 Susan de Koning 2013-10-18 14:34
Thank you SO! MUCH for this soothing GREAT message!
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