Let my presence do service

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. My life should not be complicated. I must not be complicated

for anyone else, nor should they be complicated for me.  It should be

easy for others to understand me and to understand God.  If my life

becomes complicated, how will they experience God in my presence?


Also, I should be able to adjust to anything at any time.  I should have

no questions, but just be happy and content.  My thoughts, words, and

actions are only for service.  My thoughts should be appropriate; my

words should be useful.  My actions should be easy.


Let me make my life clean so that it is like a mirror in which others

can see easily.  Then it will be easy for others to connect with me.

Let me not be such that others have to mould themselves according to my

nature.  That’s not right.  Let me not give any difficulty to anyone.  Let

my presence do service to all around me.


With love,

BK Janki


#17 Nompumelelo Vanqa 2013-10-10 08:34
the message is so inspiring to me i would like to be purer and do the service without judging others. May God light more in me and learn to be me
#16 Moderator 2013-09-10 21:06

Shivani:  God is your parent and so, as any loving parent, God  gives you freely all that He has.  What you do with it, will create a good or not so good outcome.

#15 Shivani 2013-09-06 09:23
Dear dadi Ji on shanti om
When every thing is coming from god then why some is good and some is bad.
#14 Tripti 2013-09-04 04:55
Dear Moderator, Om Shanti,
Thanks for your very helpful replies.
#13 Margaret McCathie 2013-09-04 04:44

Let me have pure in thoughts, words and deeds. Hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil. Let me always come from a pure and loving heart and always look for the best in others.

#12 Corina Céspedes 2013-09-03 06:09
gracias Dadi por inspirarnos a ser instrumentos divinos, a aprender que nuestra vida tiene que ser fácil, fluida, para inspirar a otros. Para que reconozcan a Dios en nuestra vida. Amoldarnos con facilidad, no que otros se amolden a nosotros, Gracias, gracias, gracias, om shanti.
#11 Moderator 2013-09-02 15:55

Tripti: All souls are inherently good.  All souls begin their journey in a state of purity and have the innate qualities of love, truth, peace, bliss and happiness.  Each soul has a differnt role to play in this drama of life.  As we play our parts some loose their purity more quickly by becoming more easily influenced by negativeity.  Some have a greater capacity to to sustain their purity.   We are all equal in God's eyes.  We have the opportunity to remain equal, or regain our equality but our own choices create in-equality. 

#10 Tripti 2013-09-02 12:12
Dear Dadiji
If all souls have the same inherent basic qualities of goodness, and only their roles are different, then why are they called mahatma, punyatma etc. Its just that their roles are different. So then are all souls equal ?
Regards Tripti
#9 maje maje 2013-09-01 07:15
Quite true and inspirational.
#8 Rose 2013-08-30 16:18
The simple life is so much sweeter. Thank you for your guidance.
#7 Gursewak singh 2013-08-29 07:56
Dear dadi Om Shanti.. sukhmani sukh amrit prabh nam, bhagat zanna ke man bishram.(Amrit, Name of the God is treasure of every sukh, resides in the heart of sadhak called Gurmukh like loving dadis..Thanks & regard
#6 Badamaa 2013-08-28 15:53
If my life is simple in a way that others can see then there will be trust and easiness. Adjust to anything coming to your life rather than questioning. These are higher qualities that uplifts me and connects me to God's love.
#5 Mala Nayar 2013-08-28 13:09
Dadi I am very pleased to read this message and I want to be an easy person. Dadi bless me so that I can be service to all around me.
#4 Bk.opus 2013-08-27 22:54
What you associate with is what you become. Your presence do service automatically as you stay in God's presence. Associate with God through your mind always and your presence becomes His presence. Allow God to be your Companion.
#3 Analia I Perillo 2013-08-25 08:53
Dear BK Janki,
I have had the pleasure in meeting you at the Balwyn Centre and since then I have graduated, moved out to be closer to my family and am about to re-commence work after a long time of post-graduate study. I am without a car at the moment but I feel it has only strenghtened my mediation skills. I am connected with my new community and feel that the best I can do is to also make my life clean and easy. On Shanti.
#2 Ananya 2013-08-25 05:26
Its wonderful to be with baba... This message is really inspiring for those,who really have the desire to do service... Mansa,vacha,karmana... Are the divisions of seva.. Choose any 1 and make the best of it.. But the most important among these seva is the mansa seva.. Om shanti
#1 udaya 2013-08-24 01:13
purity and simplicity are the medicine for being complicated
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Words for the World - Relationships

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