Add “a” to tension and pay attention

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. At this time it is essential to use time in a beneficial way. There is a great deal of value within this time. Pay attention to the quality of your thoughts. Notice what is in your mind and heart. The more you pay attention, the more you will become tension-free. Add “a” to tension and pay attention. If you are tension free, it is easy to do whatever you need to do. All complaints about others will then finish. There is a great deal of difference between the face of one who comes into tension and one who pays attention. Let your mind be filled with the most elevated thoughts and remembrance of the One, and your face will do service.

With love,

BK Janki


#14 ASHOK MOSALE 2015-01-17 04:34
We Wish to you happy happy New Year with world HAPPY
#13 Gayatri 2014-12-08 15:10
This is so true and simple to follow, i am great full for this thought.
#12 Moderator 2014-10-28 16:18

Manijiri:  Go to if you are in India and go to center near you.  There they will be able to guide you.

#11 Manjiri 2014-10-27 12:07
I also wants to join Brahma Kumaris. Please let me know to whom shall I meet for this?
#10 Moderator 2014-10-17 15:53

Nisha Kaul:  We suggest you go to your local BK center and take the meditatio course.  you can find out a center near you on this international website.  If you live in Inida then the website is 

#9 Lalitha 2014-10-16 12:03
A beautiful message by dadi which created me to think positive.
#8 DEEPAK 2014-10-14 09:42
I REALLY LOVE THIS LINE - If you are tension free, it is easy to do whatever you need to do. All complaints about others will then finish.
#7 Hitesh Agarwal 2014-10-14 09:33
The basic nature of mind is that it cannot be emptied. If someone wants a thoughtless mind, then it won't happen as being against the basic nature of mind. Then the solution is to be become aware of the thoughts and replacing under-quality thoughts by quality thoughts and placing yourself in capacity of observer by not getting attached with these thoughts. Hence, the basic principle is to be become aware of & pay complete attention towards the thoughts.
#6 Deepa Gupta 2014-10-14 07:11
I appreciate to share your thoughts with us and we will try to imbibe in our life. But do you think that every time our happiness keeps matter for everyone.

Very thank you for sharing this.
#5 Nisha Kaul 2014-10-13 21:05
I want to join Brahma kumaris to know who I am and why I am here in this world?
Please tell me how can I join?
#4 kiran patel 2014-10-13 18:19
i really agree with dadi janki ji ...... thought is create destiny..... please my dear people control your thought .... and.... to pay attention in your thoughts......
#3 Vikram 2014-10-13 14:51
I just watched your TV show first time a two days back as well as your website. Your msgs are too good and helpfull for us to keep daily life happy.....
#2 love goel 2014-10-11 16:03
I think this is a awesome thought.but we are not apply for in our life
#1 Bhavea 2014-10-11 06:38
Ur thoughts helps a lot to me ................thanks for your supports that show us d way to lead a happy life
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Words for the World - Ego

Dadi Janki explains how conquering attachment brings strength and power to one’s life.

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