To find peace, go into silence

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. To find peace, go into silence.  It is very valuable to sit in silence for at least one hour out of each 24 hours.  Silence means we are sitting in stillness, not speaking or doing.  So what is happening when we sit in this way?  Everyone’s minds become synchronized with each other.  Silence gives so much power that we catch vibrations from each other.  We feel happiness building inside.

When we sit in silence together like this, our silence reaches everywhere. It spreads throughout the entire world. Now is the time to use the power of silence in this way.

With love,

BK Janki


#11 mamta saxena 2015-02-13 16:53

Silence is gold.when we sit in silence we can watch and can change our thought negative in to positive.There is plenty of peace in silence. 

#10 Moderator 2015-01-27 14:01

Dr. Subhash and diwas sharma:  Please go to and then "center Near You"  It is good to speak with someone locally to register for Mt Abu programs and to speak with someone locally to guide in the art of sitting in silence and quieten the mind. 

#9 diwas sharma 2015-01-22 20:24
dadi g its true but help me to tell how to sit and what i have to do in silence may be its stupid question bt its clear i m too confused what to save me its heartiest request to guide me dadi g
#8 Bk Akshay 2015-01-20 12:50
Thanks a lot for giving true direction to my life.I am very thankfull to all our team of bramhakumaris and I am always with you all. Om Shanti...
#7 BIPIN PUJARA 2015-01-18 07:31
thank you
#6 Shafali singh 2015-01-18 04:35
Om shanti dadi g...thanks for your wonderful messages.your messages give me power.
#5 DR. SUBHASH 2015-01-17 12:19
I'll be happy to participate in programmes organized by you esteemed organization at Mt. Abu. Kindly arrange to communicate the schedule of various activities from time to time.
#4 Gursewak Singh 2015-01-17 04:47
#3 Анатолий 2015-01-16 11:35
Спасибо Дади! Ваши мысли продвинули меня на шаг вперёд!
#2 shamal patil 2015-01-15 05:20
It is will give power to us when we sit in silence physically & mentally also
#1 George Akpabio 2015-01-14 17:30
Thank U Dadi Janti. What rambling cant achieve, silence can. 'Be still and know that i am God'
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Words for the World - Relationships

Brahma Kumaris Spiritual leader Dadi Janki explains how many relationships with God are possible, including God as Mother, Father, friend, teacher, and more.

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