Spiritual power

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Sometimes when we are together, we talk about where spiritual power comes from.  Spiritual power comes from above, and to be able to draw spiritual power, we need to have honesty, cleanliness, and simplicity within.

It is important to live, cook, and eat together.  To be able to draw spiritual power, it is important not to get absorbed in finances and matters of money.  With a spiritual life comes freedom within.  Then our lives become an example for others.

With love,
BK Janki


#13 sunitha suresh 2012-07-28 07:21
great experience.thank you dadiji
#12 Kada Tabu 2012-07-28 05:37
Om Shanti...

Janki Dadi, done that I have honesty, cleanliness, and simplicity within. It is also true that we live, cook, and eat together. But, is not hard to live and attain spiritualism wothout money?

I tried to live a life without much fuss. That making money and then managing the money earned is a real fuss. Having said this, I need to earn money to make my CHULHA burning so that I with my family do not starve.

So, earning money to make a humble living is part of live and unto it the spiritualism.
#11 meera patel 2012-07-27 06:10
Dadi for thank you for this expensive messsage....
#10 Saroj Kumar Das 2012-07-26 17:30

Thanks Dadiji Nice and unique message of showing unity and brotherhood love among each other. With regards and respect, saroj.

#9 Amita Tiwari 2012-07-26 15:21
Thanks Dadi for giving us valuable insight on spiritual power.
#8 Venkatesh LS 2012-07-26 10:38
Thanks dadi. :)
#7 OLGA SMIRNOVA 2012-07-26 07:56
Ом Шанти. Без честности не обрести духовной силы.
#6 Megha Sawant 2012-07-25 15:53
Yes, Dadiji its true ,finance,money matters are not at all precious than that spiritual power.If GOD is with you then there wont be any wish left.
#5 rupa dalal 2012-07-25 03:59
Om shanti, love happy,peace
I like spiritual and spiritual power thanks oh god.
#4 nalini 2012-07-24 16:23
Thanks dadi.:)
#3 Budiono Sutrisno 2012-07-24 16:20
om shanti.
#2 Mala Nayar 2012-07-24 13:36
Yes, Dadiji I agree for attaining spiritual power we need to be clean inside and once we receive the spiritual power it helps us to become cleaner which helps us to live a free tensionless life because we know GOD is with us. When GOD is with us everything positive will only come in our life.
#1 Fátima Macias Retegui 2012-07-21 19:21

Dadi Janki is sample and a example how a soul can reach such real stage and spiritual power. (Sevilla Centre-Spain.)

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