In silence you will find that you know what you have to do.
Dear Friend,

Om shanti. In raj yoga we talk about there being eight powers: the power to tolerate, accommodate, cooperate, face, pack up, decide, discriminate, and withdraw. The power to decide is the wonder of all the powers. The more we have the power of silence inside us, with truth and faith, the less we will worry.

It’s not that I have to think about a problem. Whether it is in front of me or it is something being faced by another person, if I think about it, I will not be able to decide. If I think, I will actually lose time in reaching a decision.

Therefore, don’t think. Use the power of silence, and have the deep faith that it will become all right. This is a subtle method that will help you. Remain clean inside yourself, and keep your intellect clear.
Then in silence you will find that you know what you have to do.

With love,

BK Janki

#19 sumita 2010-07-12 00:55
I have read the messages from Dadiji. But the true experience of these messages is when I have read them I found answers to the queries inside my heart. So thanks Dadiji.
#18 amol 2010-04-24 10:15
Thank you Dadiji...
all these powers are needed in this world...its very helps me lot....
#17 Anuradha 2010-04-11 12:38
I am taking classes past 1 month and today I am reading Dadi Janaki's messages. It gives most of our answers to our problems. I will read regularly Dadi. Thank you. Om shanti.
#16 Lobna 2010-04-10 23:33
I've tried meditating for some time now - almost a year - and I am not connecting with God. I'm not sure what to do in the midst of silence. Create pure good thoughts? Concentrate on one single thing, like my breathing? Or to slow down my thought processes and just observe? Well, I'm quite confused...anyone have any suggestions?
#15 Moderator 2010-03-30 18:34
Shadi Masokoane,

Contentment in life comes from within your self; you have
all these qualities you are searching for; spending more time with yourself
will help.  For this a daily practice of
meditation is good.  Relying on anyone
else for your happiness, will not bring the stability you are looking for.  The more you get to know yourself; the more
faith and confidence in yourself you will develop.

#14 varsha 2010-03-23 12:35
Thank you for giving us wonderful tips of silence.  Om Shanti.
#13 Thanna 2010-03-10 02:28
Om Shanti, Thank you for information Dadi. I realize who am I.
#12 Han nah 2010-03-05 19:10
I took raj yoga classes last 6months in India. Recently i came here and now i read more messages of Dadi Janki -  its the words of God Shiva I feel it in my life. Om Shanti, Manmanabhav.
#11 Narupa 2010-03-01 13:54
Power of Silence is so great. Thx Dadi. It's now time for me to let the power of silence destroy my negative thoughts and worry
#10 rocklyn burgess 2010-02-25 15:25
Dadi Janki,

Thanks for the knowledge.
#9 prerana 2010-02-24 17:25
Just have a glance at what it says
#8 Jatin 2010-02-24 09:46
This reminds me of the time when while solving a complex problem, sometimes the solution does not come even if you spend all your time thinking about it. You RECEIVE the answer at the time when the problem it not in your mind. Trust in the Supreme Power who will carry you in the worst of times and keep you close to his benevolent heart.
#7 anna sealy 2010-02-23 19:36
I started taking the classes last year and i find what dadi janki said so true.In silence everything is answered and the truth is always revealed.never asking why?or what?just knowing that in this sweet silence we have the answers to it all.
#6 Jeya 2010-02-23 09:15
God has taught me many wonderful ways and means of this life. He also has healed me from all my sorrow and worries. I love God, Shiv Baba very, very much.
#5 james milne 2010-02-22 13:59
i have got it now, all i have to do is stop thinking so much!!
#4 shadi Masokoane 2010-02-22 10:19
i need help. i am a mother of four age 9 - 5 years old. i want to be happy, content, tolerant, humble and trustful.
i really on my husband to give me the above and if he does not then i can not function.

how do i go about achieving this.
#3 Faith Smith 2010-02-21 14:29
Too often we are fearful of silence .. fearful of going within because of what we may find. From my experience, it is by going within and find our inate qualities that we are able to emerge with the 8 powers Dadi Janki spoke about. She is an inspiration to me!
#2 Sue GCH London 2010-02-20 17:39
Dadi is wisdom itself and i know from my own experiences that when you follow that the right things happen. Even if you dont understand at that moment all will become clear. Sometimes we have to wait and the penny will drop!
#1 narinder 2010-02-20 11:14
I have read this over and over again .I am negativ person and and i relley enjoyed reading it and like to work on it. thank you for a wonderfull thought.
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