See everyone as good.

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  This is the confluence age, an age when things happen suddenly and a time when we create our fortune for the future.  So ask yourself, what is it that I need to do at this special time?  I need to remember God as my father and make my character the same as His.  When God looks at us, His children, he sees the goodness in us.  Make such effort that you see everyone as good.  There is no one who is not good.
Whatever you do or get done, do that with happiness.  Fill yourself with happiness and share happiness.
With love,
BK Janki


#7 preethy 2014-12-07 04:15
Narrating so nicely.loved this.
#6 Kavitha 2014-10-29 03:27

"When you experience Gods's love nothing can stop you." - these words when I heard before coming to this knowldge (Gyan). it was just words to me but after I got Gyan and doing yoga these words became my own experience.I wish everyone must feel the sameway.

#5 nain 2014-10-25 03:23
Beautifully put forward.
#4 jyotsna 2014-10-20 10:40

Dear Dadi Janaki, Pranam & Charan sparsh!!I attended the diwali celebrations organised by the Brahmakumaris at the Green Park Hotel.I was so overwhelmed with joy on listening to sister Radhika that I feel like giving up my job as a Teacher in English and devote more time with people involved in touching lives and making a great difference to the society.I wish the Brahma Kumaris love and salute them all for the positivity they exuberate.Please accept my prayers and love!
#3 nelson 2014-10-18 13:36
there's some good in the worst of us,
and some bad in the best of us.
for all our souls' sake,
we're here to learn and grow,
to feel what we feel,
give thanks, and let go.

#2 ranjankumar bal 2014-10-18 10:18
there is no one who is not good-- nice thing
#1 soul 2014-10-18 08:40
awesome brother takes constant attention and awareness to become like our father..god is just amazing..
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Words for the World - Time

Dadi Janki says that it is now time to use time in the right way

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