Be truly happy

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Some people don’t understand that to be truly spiritual is to be sensible.  A sign of a sensible soul is to finish ego and attachment.  Ego and attachment are very dangerous.  When you become free from these, you will be truly happy, and you will be able to dance.

When we receive something good, we want to share it with others. If there is ego and attachment, then no matter what I am doing, I won’t experience happiness. If there is jealousy, I won’t want others to be happy, and I won’t be able to help those who are unhappy.

What is the point of having jealousy? I just have to perform the right actions to receive the return of those actions. If someone is jealous of me, I would be happy to offer them whatever I have that they are jealous of.

Perform good actions, and when others see you performing these good actions, they will be inspired to do the same.
With love,
BK Janki


#11 manel 2012-04-24 11:12
OM SHANTI. Thank you for giving great messages to
our life.They elevate our heart & give so much strength to face life happily.Dadi ji your messages are making me to realize the song of life.I thank you so much gratefully.
#10 Bindhya 2012-02-23 05:28
I want to learn more about Brahma Kumaris. Who knows one day i will be there with Brahma Kumaris. Do we people have right to become Brahma Kumari? i am an orphan and i know one day i will become along in this world. Please suggest me, what should i do?
#9 ramesh 2012-02-10 04:42
to be happy is to be natural, which human beings have forgotten. i wish they become simple and soul conscious to appreaciate dadi's message and spread it.
#8 om shanti 2012-02-08 05:24

You should do interview on
#7 BK Dinesh 2012-02-06 18:25

Dadi ji

You always had Great messages & this is another one.

#6 Helen Grimson 2012-02-05 22:08
When we receive something good, we want to share it with others. We welcomed our foster child to our home in December 2011. He was lacking love of himself and had low self esteem. In such a short time he has turned such a new outlook on life. I wanted to share this with you. We try do things, small and large, without wanting anything in return, and take great delight in seeing the happiness on our young man's face! He is spreading his happiness to others too.
#5 Jane Prudden 2012-02-05 10:24
I have recently started a Raja Yoga meditation course at the Brixton centre in London. I am finding it truly hopefully and inspirational. I am a busy working mum, who finds it hard to grab time to relax and reflect on the important things in life. But the course is teaching me to continue to strive to be a better person for others around me and to recognise that I already have the knowledge to be truly happy, I just need to continue to learn to connect to my true self in order to achieve this happiness.I am very greatful to have the opportunity to realise this. Om Shanti
#4 BKP.Nanditha 2012-02-05 05:57
I learnt how to be happy
#3 Noel Marchiandi 2012-02-04 07:40
What are good actions? They can be simple.
Can I tell you about a very small good action I do whenever I can?
It's so simple yet the rewards are great.
When I go to my supermarket, as I check out, I notice the name of the check-out girl or boy and as I look at them I try to understand a little about their life, past and present.
As I check out, I always say, "Thank you Mary (or John), have a nice day".
Their reaction is wonderful. I have acknowledged them as a human being, not just a supermarket robot.
They look at me and with a big smile wish me the same. Two human beings connecting.
#2 Shailendra 2012-02-03 18:40
Om Shanti.To finish ego and attachment,we should be soul conscious.If I truly identify myself as a soul in every rolls,situations and interactions,then I can finish ego.Ego is my false identity.In attachment,we sometimes feel happy and sometimes pain.To be always happy,we should be loving and detached in every situation and interactions.

#1 Shyena Tolani 2012-02-03 12:27
I am today based on my actions and thoughts of yesterday.I am Tommorrow what I do today; )Today I am going to work tirelessly to make everyone around me smile and give so much love and positive energy as life is too short to live any other way; )
Love and Light
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Words for the World - Love

Dadi Janki advises not to weave stories of sorrow, but share stories of happiness.

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