Move through barriers

Dear friend,

Om shanti.  

Barriers are things that stop you in your spiritual
progress.  Sometimes you experience something to be a barrier, but it is
only an opportunity to check your self progress.    Don’t see checking
points on your spiritual path as barriers.  See them like the security
points at airports.  Invoke your power to move through barriers.

Have a clean heart, and have courage.  When there’s courage, you receive
strength and power from above.  You will see how you receive help from
the Divine.  Trust that He will take care of you.  It’s our vibrations
that enable everything to be okay.  Have deep purity and love -- no
selfishness. So when you encounter something that seems like a barrier,
invoke your qualities of truth, zeal and enthusiasm. These qualities
will help you fly.

With love,

BK Janki


#13 sujatha 2014-01-21 22:14

 thank you Dadi for your support and guiding

#12 Suresh Kumar, DXB 2013-12-25 09:28
I have been facing this barrier for some time now. I happened to go through the message from Dadi Janki on "Move through barriers". It has given me a lot of solace. This is also a learning that such barriers are normal and by invoking your power you can wade through the barriers quite effortlessly. Thank you very much Dadi. Reading your messages gives a lot of strength for somebody practicing Raja Yoga, many miles away.
Om Shanthi
#11 Bhushan Daryani, Addis, Ethiopia 2013-11-22 10:06

Before practicing this knowledge and medtitation, I used to be frustrated by barriers but now I know these have come to just test me or because of my past karmic accounts. If I don't clear them now they will come again. Moreover I have noticed that when challenges come we go closer to God (Baba) then ever. This is not a right approach but you do enjoy that moments a lot when you are getting healed by Baba. Now I am practicing on hindi word 'sada' which means Always.

#10 Moderator 2013-11-21 16:49

Komral Kiran:  Dadi give you guidence in the message:

Have a clean heart, and have courage.  When there’s courage, you receive 
strength and power from above.  You will see how you receive help from 
the Divine.  Trust that He will take care of you.  It’s our vibrations 
that enable everything to be okay.  Have deep purity and love -- no 
selfishness. So when you encounter something that seems like a barrier, 
invoke your qualities of truth, zeal and enthusiasm. These qualities 
will help you fly.

#9 Margaret McCathie 2013-11-16 13:36
Barriers or obstacles are opportunities for growth in your spiritual journey. Keep holding onto God,s hand with trust and all will be well. A great opportunity to look at what is blocking your progress.
#8 komal Kiran 2013-11-10 02:55
After reading this message i really feel like to have more confidence that everything which is going wrong in life will settle down but the same time I feel- these barriers will arise time to time and again & again to let me down and my confidence & self esteem. Then how to overcome these as it is not very easy job to have your confidence, self esteem & enthuasiasm - once, twice, thrice....hurt
pleas help me.

Komal Kiran
#7 karthiban 2013-11-07 10:32
Om shanti
#6 Nandan kumar 2013-11-06 11:58
Dear dadi ji thanks om shanti
#5 Gursewak singh 2013-11-05 05:14

Dear Dadi, Thanks, regards and Om shanti.

#4 Akash verma 2013-11-04 17:00
I dont agree there is no god at all but peoples like you are diverting yours as well others with so many problems in the world god is doing what nothing
#3 Balu Nikam 2013-11-04 15:23

Thanks Janaki Didi, Whenever surching pure truth myself is reaching to beloved outcomes of speech in media by your message.

#2 narendra sonar 2013-11-03 14:22

I realised that barriers are nothing but security points of airport and to overcome these barriers with confidence one must maintain pure thought. Its really amazing.

#1 shiv 2013-11-01 15:05
Thank you dadji
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Words for the World - Inner Strength

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