Trust in others and faith in the self

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Never look at others and think, “this one is like this, and that one is like that.”  Never see the weaknesses of others.   First comes the heart, the head, and then the hand. With your heart give thanks to God; let your head remain cool and never get angry with others. Then whatever work you do with your hands will be good.

People ask me, “Where does your strength from?”  It comes from God, but God doesn’t give things for free! He gives boons and says, “may things work out,” and then seeing one’s effort He gives blessings as well. He is inspiring me to get it all done and I just maintain the consciousness of being an instrument.

Always maintain trust in others and faith in the self. Then courage and truth will work. Have no desire for praise and recognition.


With love,

BK Janki


#8 Moderator 2014-03-24 15:33

Abhishek Gupta: If you want to bring benefit to a person or situation, then you have to maintain a good vision, fill your heart with the love of God and uplift them.  If someone is negative or selfish it means they are under an influence, have good wishes and mercy - if someone fell physically would you leave them there, or push them further down? -  you would do your best to help them.  If you are not strong enough then you have the choice to walk away and not engage with that person - but if you are thinking 'this one is like this' then that is your weakness and negativity.

#7 Abhishek Gupta 2014-03-13 03:33
Dadi Janki,

I try to follow this concept but sometimes if a person is so negative and selfish then how we can maintain a relationship with that person. Please guide.
#6 harmonie 2014-03-12 02:33
FOI en l'Être Suprême, être sans attente de quoi que ce soit,voir les autres comme des frères égaux à soi,et la vie devient simple, la confiance en soi augmente,les relations aux autres facilitées.
MERCI Dadi Janki pour la transmission de ton expérience.
#5 franco 2014-03-10 15:36
Con amor ilimitado Daddy. Wah!
#4 Angel 2014-03-10 03:07
I totally agree with Dadi Janki.

In my experience, it feels better to trust than to have doubt with someone.

The only effort I need to do to receive help form God is one step of courage and that is to say: yes Father, I trust You.
#3 Kanchan Roy 2014-03-06 22:34
God helps those who help themselves.To be worthy to receive help from the all mighty,we must travel on the path of righteousness,serve the needy,perform all our activities with positive energy.We must remember that the results of our effort are not in our control.At the same time,by trusting others & having faith in ourselves we shall be able to overcome the obstacles like hatred,anger & jealousy.This is possible by the grace of our loving God,who will always protect us & grant us whatever is needed,Faith in ourselves is nothing but faith in God.Trusting others is trusting the Spreme Energy .
#2 Bama 2014-03-05 13:16

om shanti it was great 

#1 Nandita 2014-03-05 07:50
We are actually too busy thinking about others that we forget about our mode of thinking.Dadi Janki you said so true we waste our energy and time thinking about those trivial things. We can have a wonderful relationship with people if we focus on only good qualities that a person has rather than the one he is lacking on and off course no anticipation for praise and recognition makes a living worthwhile.Thank u so much Dadi Janki for sharing such beautiful thoughts!
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