Create and conserve energy.

Dear Friends.

Om shanti. Now is the time to create and conserve energy.  When the mind is quiet and in silence, the soul can be free from any type of reaction. When there is heaviness inside, we have a reaction. When we remain light, there is no chance for reacting.  When we react to a person or a situation, our energy is used in a worthless way. This wastes our energy and leaves us feeling empty.  So, keep yourself light, and invoke the power of silence.

With love,

BK Janki


#3 akash 2014-10-26 16:29
dadi's speech had made me to understand clearly about conserve energy
#2 Moderator 2014-08-26 13:40

Ravi Kota:  Meditation will help with all of these.  Inspiration is good, but practice will bring change.  Good wishes to you.

#1 Ravi Kota 2014-08-24 10:58
janki ji.... OM SHANTHI....
sister my mind is deviating and over reacting for small situations and my activities have no stability and my confidence levels are less...... all these are my presonal feelings.... please give me a guide

i like insipirational speaches very much.....

with love

Ravi Kota
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Words for the World - Silence

Spiritual teacher Dadi Janki reveals how going into deep silence brings about the experience of true peace and happiness.

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