Good actions bring many blessings

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Remember that the Lord is pleased with an honest heart. If you have made a mistake, ask for forgiveness, and from now onwards don’t make further mistakes. Sometimes, due to bad company, we may become influenced and commit a wrong deed.                      

I only want to perform deeds that make God happy with me.  When I perform good deeds, I become happy. It is an incognito happiness. On seeing me, others also want to do good deeds, and as a result of this I get blessings, and I, in turn, want to do more good deeds.  The good deeds then bring blessings again.  God tells us that it is everyone’s blessings that enable us to move forward and make spiritual progress.  Don’t ask for blessings but understand that your good actions bring many blessings.  Blessings do their own work in making you move ahead spiritually.

With love, 
BK Janki


#23 Moderator 2013-04-13 18:05

Chandrashekar:  We all make mistakes, many times knowingly because we are too spiritualy weak to make the effort needed to make good choices.  It is not time making mistakes, it is us.  In order to make less mistakes we need to empower oursleves spiritually.  Meditation is a very good method for this.  Meditation gives us the experience of who we really are and helps us to make good choices from understanding spiritual laws.  In meditation we also learn how to connect to God, who as the source of all that is good, and the Almighty Authority. In this connection we can receive God's power to make the necessary changes.

#22 Mala Nayar 2013-03-21 10:25
First of all thank you Dadi. Our karma is the first and foremost thing in making our life. Good karmas always bring good for us and hence we do not need to do any bad karma for achieving anything in our life. We can all repeat all in this world can enjoy life if we concertrate on good deeds but sorry to say all are not understanding this aspect for which some people suffer for doing wrong deeds for achieving a few materialistic things in the world. Please wake up and enjoy life and let others also enjoy their life.
#21 Neha 2013-03-19 09:27
I agree with each and every sentence said by you. It is your deeds which decide your destiny.The love & blessings which we all get from people around totally help us in some way or the other. Though after reading this people should not just do it because they "have to" but they feel like doing this cause it is called selfless deeds for the betterment of the ones around. Not only do we feel good, ultimately it is the food or medicine(tranquilizer) for the soul to stay healty.

Dadiji stay with us always.
#20 Indika Tewarapperuma 2013-03-05 10:32
Om shanti! you have said, using sweet words, why we should do good deeds. Your words encourage me to go forwards day by day. May GOD bless you for your valuable service. Om shanti!
#19 Rinki Moolchandani 2013-03-04 06:40
Thank You dadiji for your lovely message.And its true that it is everyone's blessings that makes us to move forward....really,it is very very true......
#18 B.K.Gajen 2013-03-03 08:34
Om shanti ! True dadi gi..we will follow this.
#17 BK Ramesh Bhai 2013-03-02 06:49
Om Shanti Dadi ji. Really, its wondeful message. I feel quite happy if I do things honestly & in good manner. I feel very light and happy if I do good things. One thing I want to know Dadi ji, what is good or bad thing? In real life, we generally come across following problem:
We need to pay bribe/amount to get some work done either in a hospital to get doctor's appointment appointment or get certificate in We are forced to pay money else work will not happen. We are forced to pay though not willingly.
Please clarify what to do here? To pay for not to pay?
#16 Colin Waddell 2013-03-01 22:56
I have just been introduced to this organization and am very pleased at this point. It is my intention to follow the teachings offered herein. Thank you to all who have taken the time to become involved and share their time and wisdom. I will do my best to emulate them.
#15 Sunanda 2013-03-01 16:58

It was though all known to us,but after starting to see your programe it made us more clear & calm to follow the principle clearly. Sister Shibani is very clear about the concept-Thank you . 

#14 babita 2013-03-01 09:32
i really like your views towards the good deeds and bad deeds. After reading this , I only want to do good karmas in near future. I also say sorry to God for all my bad deeds that i had done in past. Thanku dadi ji.
#13 Virendra Pratap Singh 2013-03-01 06:12
It is measuring scale for brahman life. Essentially and naturally to be loveful is our priority what indicated by Dadi Ji.
#12 ANJANA 2013-03-01 05:12
Wonderful message, Dadi ji.
#11 P.T.PATEL 2013-02-28 03:45
I started to watch awakening bhramakumaris, I understood that always think for status of our mind rather than other activities ccuring out side in the world for doing better thing in world that indicate get prepred ourself for over coming before happening unexpectable events in our life.

ohm shanti
#10 Bharti 2013-02-27 19:19

I love it. I want to do good karmas but not all the time, lack of awaerness I don't know, at the end of day I don't feel happy.

#9 Raj Tomer 2013-02-27 17:29
Dear dadi your message is very appealing and spritualised with complete indianness. I am thankful......
#8 Shantiprakash 2013-02-27 14:27
om shanti to all
#7 chandrashekar r 2013-02-26 14:28
Sometimes I will commit mistake by knowing. Still am under confusion, why time is making me to made wrong deed, or myself comiting the mistake.
Please guide me.
#6 Ganesh Kumar 2013-02-26 08:32

Om Shanti, I recently started to watch Awakening with Brahmakumaris and I could find a lot of peace and I could improve my self confidence. I am passing your messages to lot of my friends and they also start to find time to see/read your messages and it is amazing and I hope everyone will understand all this matter and this world will become a heaven of peace.

#5 shailender singh 2013-02-25 21:00
Good comments of an enemy always feels bad and sometimes wrong comments of our liked ones will feels good.
#4 Amit 2013-02-25 11:08
Thanks Dadiji for neat and concise message
Even if you are doing your job work, you can earn blessings - be at ease, loveful & peaceful while doing any action/karma
#3 fides 2013-02-25 10:25
I commit to honor God with my actions... a full offering of myself for His Glory
#2 Margaret McCathie 2013-02-25 05:56
Giving from the ocean of love brings untold benefit. Do not look for anything in return just serve from the heart with so much love. Upliftment of others is a joy to behold.

Om Shanti
#1 Rajat 2013-02-25 05:50

Thanks Dadi This post brings out an unseen/not much talked about aspect. It gives me a lesson that living spiritually rather than discussions and thinking would make me happy. Discussions merely give us an insight to the happiness given by spirituality. But it is when we live spiritually, we get the complete happiness-one that is permanent and everlasting. Thanks once again!

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