Internally stay light

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Internally stay light.  If you stay light, you can draw might from the Supreme Soul.  Once that connection breaks, you will feel the loss of power.  Let there be no heaviness or waste in your relationships.  When you’re light and content, your energy multiplies.  Heaviness finishes your energy.  If you lose your lightness, others who are with you will feel confusion.

Allow your thoughts to turn to God and you will feel His love.  The flow of love from God works naturally as light comes from the sky.

With love,
BK Janki


#23 pramila 2012-06-17 22:14
Om Shanti
Thank you for your great and powerful thoughts. All words are very important and helpful for all. me it is much appreciated
#22 kena shah 2012-05-25 14:38
this is one of the good message to change my life "thank you" didi jankiji
#21 monika jain 2012-05-14 14:58
Thanq Dadaji...........
#20 vandita 2012-05-09 05:54
Thank you so much Dadiji om shanti
#19 SATYENDRA SETHI 2012-04-18 05:05
i am highly graTEFUL TO THE BRAHMAKUMARIS for providing me the opportunity to visit their centre. in the very first visit i was highly impressed by the manner they received me as well as by their simplicity,sweetness in speech,a subtle tension free,happy and tranquil disposition and positive vibrations all over the centre. after doing their foundation course and regular programmes on tv by sister Shivani i am experiencing tremendous change in my outlook,way of thinking and am experiencing an equipoise which i was searching for a long time.
#18 vi diez 2012-04-14 03:41
Why not have a tagalog TV program in the Phil.? I volunteer to help, as I speak Tagalog well. As I read the comments, BK TV show helped them. Am sure, it will help us also. Maybe the best time slot is by 9pm before going to bed. I wish it will be soon... and I would like also to suggest an e-mail or text buddy who can help bring one to the desired state. Sometimes we need someone to talk to... Thank you DJ... I hope to have some time with you... Wish wish ;>
#17 Moderator 2012-04-13 23:46

Sriharika.  Regular practice of meditation helps to control the mind. Having determind intention is important inorder to get results.  Guide your mind with kindness not force, keep bringing it back to where you want it to be.  Understand the attainment and your heart will follow.  Meditating in a gathering also helps as the vibrations will give support.

#16 vinod 2012-04-13 19:40
om shanti, I am very much indebted to brahmakumaris due to treasure of knowledge that i gained through the morning programme. I realised that we need to make our mind light to influence every one including ourselves to make this life wonderful.
#15 Anant 2012-04-13 00:33
This is the success way of the human life
#14 RAHUL KALOKHE 2012-04-12 17:20
Always say , " I HAVE NO FEAR " - swami vivekanad
#13 subodh 2012-04-12 03:47
i am very thankful to omshanti family
#12 krishna murari singh 2012-04-11 13:30
This is the practical way of leading happy and carefree life.
#11 BN Sivakumar 2012-04-10 04:54
Dear Dadhiji,

Absoultely truth. When we are internally calm and light, rememberance of God becomes easier. In fact, turning our mind towards God makes us realise his love and affection.

#10 sriharika 2012-04-09 20:57
dear dadiji, iam just an inter pass out...i feel so disturbed... my mind always keeps runing about different thougts. evn wen i sit 4 meditation i will be disturbed.... plz help me dadiji... giv me any solution to control my thought force....
#9 kishor mahajan 2012-04-09 12:15
I am alwayes fear of future life i am tray to left my bad habit but could not be left unexpected matter happen in my life.
#8 veenu khanna 2012-04-09 10:59
This is the main as well as first thought that helps everyone to become happy and worryless
#7 anupama mahesh 2012-04-09 06:45
very true!
#6 Ashish Mukarne 2012-04-09 00:38
Thank for remember it
#5 ravi vangala 2012-04-08 19:16
dear dadiji, om shanti ! in this mechanical world it is so imperative that people are occupied with heavy thoughts and loss of energy. The only solution as mentioned by u is turn our focus and thoughts towards God. Meditation is really helping to stay cool internally and iam able to handle situations in a much easier manner. Thank u dadiji once again for ur powerful words
#4 JG 2012-04-08 18:00
Lovely :)
Thank you x
#3 shalu 2012-04-08 12:01
Dear Dadiji,
So true,we all know this but keep on forgetting,then we suffer.In todays life it takes so much effort to feel light.but when i read your thoughts it bring me back to calm and peace. Thanks for sharing this wisdom with us.
#2 Muhammad Abdul Wohab 2012-04-08 07:22
very good to learn
#1 jigmet 2012-04-08 07:00
"Change the texture of your thoughts and your life will change. The future is not something we await, it is something we create." Om Shanti.:)
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