Thought is the seed

Dear friends,

Om shanti. Thought is the seed of our words and our actions.  Some words are such that we shouldn’t even think them, let alone speak them.  If you get too caught up in your thoughts, it is almost certain that eventually your thinking will come out into words also.  Let your thinking be of a high quality.  It’s one thing to have a thought and something different to have an idea. Thoughts are deep. Ideas are more on the surface.  When something goes deep, we can’t forget it.  We speak a thought through our mouth, and it becomes manifest through our activity.

Actually, we ourselves don’t need to have too many thoughts or ideas.   We just need to have the experience that whatever is happening is sweet.  In devotional settings they say to God: “Whatever You make me do, it’s all good”.  This is the language of an instrument.  Let your face reflect this realization.

With love,

BK Janki


#11 Moderator 2015-10-27 13:44

Rajeev pahuja:  Anything is possible, and the more you practice the stronger and healthier your mind and heart will become, you will experience the attainments from that, and that will inspire you to practice more . . 

#10 Moderator 2015-10-27 13:43

Anil: Everything is possible, it just depends on your awareness, attitude and vision.  By your focusing on a 'sweet spot' in any situation that is what will be highlighted.  The saying "where energy flows, so it grows' applies.  Also by creating an elevated awareness  for yourself, your experience will be elevated and that will benefit you and also the situation.  If you look at a situation with negative feelings then that is what you will be experiencing and contributing.

#9 M. RAVINDAR 2015-10-25 00:28
Now I could understand difference between an idea and a thought. thanks baba.
#8 Ram Shearon 2015-10-21 17:10
Our Dear Daadi has been always our inspiration for years now.
'One becomes what one thinks'
~Om Shanti
#7 Dr Bikash Goswami 2015-10-20 16:18
I am a doctor by profession. Your kind words and advice s are very inspiring and it
helps me to render my services more efficient ly
#6 Aakriti 2015-10-18 17:44
Good thoughts spread positive energy, which spreads in surrounding. In this way we can make our environment also positive and energetic.
#5 subash 2015-10-17 11:28
"Thought is the seed of our words and our actions" this is a good example of your thought
#4 Jayasree 2015-10-15 11:30
Deedi l love you
#3 Lalit Girdhar 2015-10-14 15:44
fresher would like to learn
#2 Rajeev Pahuja 2015-10-10 22:00
Thanks Dadi ji for nice msg. How to have elevated thoughts all the time ?
#1 Anil Kumar 2015-10-10 14:47
Is it possible to think that what is happening is sweet.
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Words for the World - Hope

Dadi Janki says that in order to face the intense challenges of the world today, time is calling for all souls to reclaim feelings of love and peace.

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