To return to our original state of peace, we need power
Dear Friend,

Om shanti. What is the difference between peace and silence? The original religion of the soul is peace, and the task of this time is to take ourselves back to that state of peace. But if the soul is weak, the mind wanders due to ego and attachment, and it cannot return to a state of peace.

To return to our original state of peace, we need power. It is when we learn to take power from God, that we are able to experience peace. One of God’s titles is the Ocean of Peace. Only from Him can we get the power to attain peace. It is through introversion and connecting to God in silence that our concentration power increases, our minds become unshakable and beyond desire. It is then that we can attain peace.

With love,

BK Janki

#20 Moderator 2010-07-07 13:31
Gurait  Experience comes with practice.  Intellectual knowledge is not enough as you have discovered.  Meditation is using your thoughts and feelings together, which create an experience.  I suggest you go to your nearest BK center where a teacher will advise you personally on how to go into the depth of the experience. If you live in Inida, then a center near you can be found at this website - and go to contact us.  If you live elsewhere then on this website go to - Where Are We and then locations near you.
#19 gurjit 2010-07-05 15:19
I have knowledge I am Soul but not Experience.
I want deep experience.
Pls advice me

#18 Moderator 2010-06-11 13:21
Helena: It can be difficult to find silence in today's world.  However the practice of meditation helps to detach from the outside distractions of the world.  To begin with to get some physical peace and quite, waking up before everyone in the household rises in the morning is a good time to practice.  Not just because it is physically quite at that time but also because there is less negative activity the vibrations are more peaceful and quite and you will find it easier to concentrate, helping you to find the inner silence you are looking for.
#17 helena 2010-06-09 11:51
Silence beeing important to attain peace of mind and to meditate, how do we do it in such noisy world and homes where the TV sets are on and loud all day? Most people cannot do without the TV on and don't understand the benefits of silence!
#16 Kraaltje 2010-05-21 15:13
Once upon a day In Oxford, I felt: Peace is my home. Introspection is the path, my way back home. I travel light in a combined form.
Thanks for the ability of sharing.
#15 Bk Shoba,Pollachi 2010-05-21 10:21
When i start to give attention to my thoughts my mind become quiet and the intellect just transforms the useless thoughts into useful one. During transformation process i experience the calmness,this leads to silence and after attaining the flow of pure positive thoughts, i reach the peaceful state and remain in peace.Once experienced this state now it has become my habit without any effort.
Om Shanti.
#14 kraaltje 2010-05-19 21:21
Peace is my home. Introversion is the way home. In a combined form I travel back home.
#13 diwakar pathak 2010-05-13 11:56
I too am daily watching Awakening with Brahamkumaris on Astha channel and I am able to improve my life with more ease than in the past. thanks a lot.
#12 Lakshmi Kalluri 2010-05-09 00:18
I have been watching Bramha Kumaris on AASTA channel for the past 2 years. It made a big difference in my life. I am able to maintain more stability in my life. It is helping me to get a better understanding about the purpose of my life and maintain peace on day to day basis. Million thanks from me for providing us this valuable information. 
#11 sona v 2010-05-06 09:58
I watched the brahmakumaris on tv and learned some simple solutions to otherwise complicated things, and am.trying to practice meditation. It really helps. let me know where and when in texas/us are u having classes/sessions...really want to improve my life and live it to the fullest.
#10 Bkram 2010-05-05 13:02
Om shanti this is a perfect difference between silence and peace.
#9 H.S.ARUN KUMAR 2010-05-05 11:26
I had an opportunity to attend the rajayoga classes from Miapur Hyderabad for one week. It was very pleasant and impressive. Now I am continuously attending classes which give me freshness to mind. I have understood the power of silence and peace. 
#8 nidhi 2010-05-05 05:52
my son is 7yrs old, he asked me "mum is life a puzzle?" I looked at him and said "no it is not, it is so simple, origin is godhead and destination is again the same". So every day we have to make sure we talk to him and say i am not lost on my way.  But this can be only done if we give sometime to him every day so it can become a habit.
#7 Moderator 2010-05-05 02:16
 Kapil:  It takes practice to focus your mind, so keep going and you will get results.  A way to still all the distractions is to say to yourself that this is your time with God.  All your distractions will be waiting for you when you are done and so you don't have to think about them now.  Once you have had that silent time with God then your perspective and response to your other concerns will have shifted for the better.  It is also important to feel Gods love and not just think about it intellectually.  We need our intellect and our feelings in meditation.
#6 Moderator 2010-05-05 02:02
Bekele Sime:  My suggestion is that you find a BK center near you.  Which you can do from this web site.  It is easier if you have lessons directly from someone.
#5 rahul sanghvi 2010-05-03 23:11
namaste. i have recently started following brahmakumaris on tv and have downloaded some of the vidoes of it. this has brought much more stabiltiy in my life. i feel much happier than ever before. this is helping me a lot in my life. now i'm having a better understanding of life. om shanti.
#4 Huong 2010-05-03 17:13
This is a beautiful message which gives a simple yet great distinction between peace and silence. It is wisdom!
#3 bekele sime 2010-05-02 14:03
i want to start meditation.give me advice how to do.
thank you
#2 kapil 2010-05-01 15:56
whenever i sit with god in silence. i always have questions regarding my body, my relations, office, or home. what should i do to be free from all these thoughts and take pleasure to spend time only with god. kindly advise.

#1 quamruz 2010-05-01 05:13
All the relious concept is the same as we talk about peace and power of God/Allah.
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Words for the World - Hope

Dadi Janki says that in order to face the intense challenges of the world today, time is calling for all souls to reclaim feelings of love and peace.

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