Forgive and forget

Dear friends,

Om shanti. My wish inside is that even if somebody has done something to me, that in one minute I can forgive & forget.  Let each one of you keep yourself free & clear in this way, & you will receive many blessings.

What should we remember, and what should we forget?  Forget the past --- even the past that just happened 2 minutes ago.  Remember, “I am a soul”.  Then my actions will be influenced by peace, love and humility.

With love,
BK Janki


#16 Fouad Haider 2017-02-27 08:36
OM SHANTI, OM SHANTI, OM SHANTI, WAH DADI, What an instrument Soul you ARE. Thank you BABA for this beautiful diamond .
#15 Moderator 2016-02-08 12:38

lakshmi.  you are a good soul.  If someone gives you sorrow - don't take it.  Understand that you are a peaceful soul filled with love and so if someone is saying somthing, be detached see if there is somthing you need to change in yourself, but do not take any sorrow into your heart.  If someone offered you a rotton apple would you take it? No.  Hav good wishes for that soul because the 'rotton apple' (anger blame etc.) is with them and they need spiritual love to lift them up.

#14 surbhi 2016-02-08 11:42
Forgiving.... A sigh of relief
Thank you dadiji
#13 Daniel Damodar 2016-02-07 10:18
om shanti I really appreciate... by forgive and forget we can get piece for our soul.. om shanti!
#12 Rishika Agrawal 2016-02-05 20:15
Thanks a lot for a peaceful message Dadi Ji.
#11 Kanupriya 2016-02-05 09:41
I love you so much dadi ji.feeling peace all around .. Om shanti !
#10 lakshmi 2016-02-05 09:17
I follow ths ma but at times I break my tears and angry if someone hurts me why this happening. I really want to be good soul. Nothing I want to take seriously. Pls help ma
#9 Flávio 2016-02-04 12:53
Om Shanti. It makes me think also reflect on forgiveness and self-forgiveness.
#8 ANTHONY 2016-02-04 07:33
#7 S MADHAVI 2016-02-04 07:30
This wish signifies that forgiving and forgetting is much easy to attain peace and love
#6 sehrish 2016-02-01 11:45
dadi love u AND THANKYOU
.i learned so much from you and shivani didi videos.dadi how can i talk to you.IAM IN PAKISTAN.PLZ MAKE BKWSU CENTRE IN PAKISTAN
#5 Bk vinita 2016-02-01 09:10
Forgiving reduces the burden and keeps the mind peaceful and happy
#4 Sarah 2016-02-01 02:45
Thank You.
peace and love
#3 kiranashokwagh 2016-01-28 12:32
#2 Puneet 2016-01-27 07:44
OM Shanti,

Beautiful message - will practise this every day and every hour!

Om Shanti!
#1 Thilo 2016-01-26 08:33
This wish is profound. Keeping the soul peaceful and loving brings peace and love to all around us.

Om Shanti
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