Let go and move on
Dear Friend,

Om shanti.  Today I would like you to keep the thought that you have to
be a good human being and inspire others. If you find it difficult to
let go of things that are bothering you, then we will find it difficult
to be in this body.  Use this human form to be a good human being so
that others can be inspired by your life.

Dadi has lived a long time, because she has not kept anything dirty or
heavy in her mind.  This is a promise that she made to herself and to
God.  When Dadi is not well, God gives me good power of tolerance and
the illness runs away.  Ill health does not scare Dadi at all. Sometimes
circumstances and situations trap you and stop you from being close to
God.  When this happens, do not hold on to the situation, allowing it to
replay in your mind.  Let go and move on and the situations will be left
behind; otherwise the situation finishes, but you are still holding on
to it in your mind.

When you switch on a light, it illuminates.  Let your life be such, that
you switch on your stage of elevated consciousness and others are
illuminated by this.

With love,

BK Janki

#31 Krish Bhai 2011-04-15 19:46
I just got into this message while finalising the release of my Merc Benz SLK, and this message calmed the situation.....nothing belongs to us...so we should not cling to material assets.

Let Go n Move On... so true n fitting!

Dadi Janki...the picture of U sitting with us n sharing Sugar Cane at our home in Ghandi's Hill, South Africa....So Simple---So Sweet!
#30 Samona 2010-10-10 22:17
Thanku Dadi for your endless and tireless love and words that truly touch the soul.

I may have stepped away from God but my heart can never truly leave that one. By having great examples, Angels my footsteps can be guided by those who have walked, lived and shared the highest truth. I am learning to acquire the power of patience which will bring love, self love and God into my mind and heart. 
#29 Moderator 2010-10-01 14:16
Meena.  Transforming your negative thoughts takes determination and
practice, and a true desire to forgive and forget.  You have to let go
of the past because this is a trap that keeps you from moving forward
and being happy.  These thoughts are coming from inside and other people
or outside situations cannot be blamed.  The good news is that this
puts the solution in your hands. If you want help with this I suggest
you go to the local Brahma Kumaris center and do a positive thinking
course and this will help you get started.
#28 meena 2010-09-26 17:58
om shanti i having diffilty in life which i cant sole with that problem i get nigative thought which make me more problem.nagative giving coz of sitution .n give me adivce how to neglate allthis in life i cant make right withself its not my hand so pls i want help
#27 KRISHNA KUMAR 2010-09-16 10:02
Great message. I wish the wars all over the world and resentment and others guiding your life and pulling and controlling your life will not be there if you let go. When pointing fingers at others think of the 3 fingers and the thumb. The thumb goes to brain and if the pointing finger is withdrawn by letting go it is thumps up.
#26 sumita 2010-09-15 17:42
Good morning dadiji,I really agree with this - we never allow hurtful and painful things to go from our life, we cling to those negative thoughts as if they are the part and parcel of our daily routine.  It is a common experience that we accept negative things more rapidly but our mind is not unable to cultivate positive things rapidly.  So dadiji its true if we keep on clinging to negative things our soul becomes very weak and we become  a victim of ourselves only.It is  as though we become enslaved by our own deficiency. Dadiji your message acts like a rubbing stone to free our inside.
#25 B.K.Gajen 2010-09-15 15:16
Dadi, I am Gajen from Srilanka. I' m not a regular student of this great organization, but still I believe in God (Baba). Many thanks to you Dadi,for sharing your wonderful thoughts with us.

I'll try to put these wonderful thoughts practically into my life.
#24 Sonali 2010-09-15 10:20
Om shanti Dadiji. It is as if you have been reading my mental state and given solutions.  I have tried to practice what you have suggested and it did ease things, though I have to continue to practice till it turns into a habit. Thank you Dadidji.
#23 Mansi Kapoor 2010-09-15 10:16
Letting Go is reaaly very important to have a peaceful life. If we cling on to petty day to day negative thoughts we attract negativity throughout. Our personality is like a magnet. Whatever we store within us we attract that.
#22 Sheetal 2010-09-15 07:05
Thank you so much dadi, this thought was all that i needed for today. om shanti
#21 chandulal 2010-09-14 18:44
How true. Let go of material possessions and we live a simple and contented life. Let go of greed and desire and it brings you peace and fearlessness. A way to ultimate bliss.
#20 Magen 2010-09-14 06:45
What Dadi telling is 100% true. We should not allow negative thoughts to conquer our mind.

Om Shanti
#19 Susan 2010-09-13 23:44
It is like Dadi is truly an elder sister giving advice; today she reached inside my head and found the thing I most needed to hear about.
#18 Moderator 2010-09-12 07:59
Narinda:  Letting go takes understanding, love, determination and practice.  If you would like further help you may want to visit one of our local centers which can be found at brahmakumaris.org
#17 taanya 2010-09-11 22:16
om shanti, this is a very touching message and very true, but when I try to apply it, at times I am successful at times anger and frustration just conquers me. But I should say Dadi when I got in touch with the BKs it gave me a new hope, i got a lot of support when I most needed it.
#16 Sudhakar M 2010-09-11 17:58
I started going regulary in BK, Wembley Central when I was in London, year 2003. My mind was filled with lot of negative thoughts, anxiety, tension, worries. After I joining this center, my life changed very drastically. I got a golden opportunity to meet Dadi Janki.
#15 srikrishna 2010-09-11 13:51
Om shanti, Yes dadi I was facing such situations earlier and at that time I was forgetting entire situations and forgiving myself..
#14 narinder 2010-09-10 14:24
I read this message and others many times.I try to let go the hurt and anger then something happens or the same person will do the same hurtfull thing, then my mind goes back to it all over again I curse myself for that. I do meditation every day please I need help on this.
#13 Kavitha 2010-09-09 03:09
Om Shanti,

I am in Tamilnadu. I regularly watch your program in Aastha channel. It has changed my life a lot. Thanks to BK Shivani. Dadi's words are very true. I will follow them. I wish to have your Rajyog program in Vellore, Tamilnadu. Hoping to see you all soon.
#12 Anju 2010-09-08 20:41
Dadi's words are filled with power and motivation. I am going through such circumstances where her thoughts seem like a direction. I admire her.
#11 María del Carmen 2010-09-08 14:01
Om Shanti
I have learned from the BKs to bear positive thoughts and they became positive feelings, beliefs, conscience, memories and eventually a positive personality. I have experienced the most beautiful "metamorphosis" from 'body conscience' to 'soul conscience'. Gratitude in all possible forms BKs.
#10 Moderator 2010-09-08 06:49
Paveen:  One thing is to be inspired but it does take time and practice is needed.  If you are interested in moving forward with this you may want to visit the local BK centre which will offer courses in meditation and positive thinking.  The center near you can be found at brahmakumaris.org
#9 Raghnie 2010-09-07 20:33
Thank you Dadi for sharing such wonderful words.
#8 sheila 2010-09-07 16:25
Somewhere along I do also believe in this philosophy but its hard to put it in practice as after all we are not robots. But i wish we were and life then would be so simple to live. Certain situations in my life too would be easier to deal with if i just am able to let go off the past.
#7 Charu Srivastava 2010-09-07 14:56
nice one.....
#6 sumita 2010-09-07 12:58
I totally agree on this, we have to make ourselves free from situations which make us detached from God. Actually the bad situation is there for a small fraction of time, but we keep on clinging to i. Instead, if we make ourselves free from the situations we can be close to God, we just have to go on and go on. om Shanti.
#5 parveen 2010-09-07 11:20
All Dadi's messages, thoughts, and blessings conveyed through speeches are very true and inspire me very much. I try to follow them but find I cannot. Help me and guide me.
#4 Leena 2010-09-07 08:09
I was very much tensed in my life due to awkward circumstances, which I found difficult to handle. I just read this message from Dadi and I found it to be a changing thought. I will survive however many difficult situations may come.......I just have to be patient....

#3 karishma jain 2010-09-06 17:37
Everything which Dadi says is true but its really tough to follow. I try a lot but do not always succeed.
#2 S.Kumar 2010-09-06 14:39
It is such a wonderful message from Dadi. Many a times, it's the mental replay of the situations that makes them more bitter and the hurt lingers on... So, when the mind is engaged in other activities, those bitter situations fade away into the background. When one is inactive, the mind goes back and fetches those bitter situations and brings them to the fore and the hurt begins all over again...So, we really need to let go!
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Words for the World - Ego

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