Each one can claim inner power

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  We can do whatever we set out to do if we fill our hearts with purity, peace, love, happiness, and power.  First is purity.  That which is positive, has purity.  Purity makes me honest, and purity brings peace.  when there is peace, then there is also love.  And love brings happiness.  And then, when you have purity, peace, love, and happiness, you also have spiritual power.  Each one can claim this inner power.  It is not a big thing.  In fact it is your birthright.

With love,
BK Janki


#13 Lalit 2012-07-09 20:35
Thank you dadi for inspiring us with your wisdom. Trying best to re-emerge my true eternal nature of peace and love...Getting success/failure while implementing in my daily life..
#12 Mala 2012-07-05 08:48
I find your messages very enouraging and try to follow also as much as possible which has really turned me to a more peaceful, blissful person and the capacity to accept the situation as it comes. I find the situations are taken care of by GOD. I want more and more people tp be benefitted with your teachings.
#11 parul 2012-07-03 10:49

I agree whatever you say however for the ones who are part of grahast ashram already can not follow purity...but even with this we can avail love, peace and harmony.

#10 S.K.ARORA 2012-07-03 05:59

Respected Didi Ji, Your messages are very wonderful,clear and easy to understand. These help me to come out of tension which I carry from my childhood Om Shanti.

#9 gunja 2012-07-02 18:44
truly inspiring msg dadiji
but why is it so difficult to create that inner purity???
i am stil trying to continue the devil in me. n i hope that one day i will succeed in that......
#8 SOUMEN BHATTACHARYYA 2012-07-01 21:25

In the world most strong force is 'positive thinking'. Because only positive thinking can create peace, love and everything for our better life.

#7 On behalf of the sangathan 2012-06-30 07:02
Dadi you are the stars of my eyes, thank you for always being there for me.
#6 Ravikumar Vangala 2012-06-29 05:05
Dadi ji,

Thank you very much for such an inspirational message.
#5 Nupur 2012-06-28 19:54
Thank you Dadi. your massage cleared a lot of problems in my mind
#4 Florian 2012-06-27 11:43

Every day offers new opportunities. We have the choice, if we continue with the old and carry the sorrows in our hearts or if we let go, forget and create space for a new beginning. 

#3 prerna maheshwari 2012-06-27 11:12
#2 bk meera 2012-06-27 09:23

purity in this impure world seems impossible to those who have no accurate understanding of the cycle of time, but, of course, nothing is impossible as long as one have determined faith that nothing is impossible with God the Father. (((:

#1 ABHIRUCHI 2012-06-27 09:09

thankyou DADI for this wonderful message this message have helped me to solve a big problems of my life with love,care,and peaceful.

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