The eyes are the windows of the soul.
Dear friend,

Om shanti.  They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and that the drishti (the vision) of a yogi gives deep happiness to all.  My drishti will reveal the state of my intellect. There is a deep connection between intellect and drishti. This is why it is vital that I keep my intellect clean.

My intellect must always hold within it two things: (1) the aim to become elevated and spiritually powerful and (2) God, the Bestower of the aim. I must recognize who has given me this aim! I must maintain my bhavna, my love filled, hope filled feelings, for myself.  If instead I create thoughts such as “I don’t know if I can do it,” then I will close the door to God’s help.

So always keep your intellect filled with the faith that an elevated life and spiritual power are your fortune at this time.

With love,

Dadi Janki

#16 K Soundar Rajan 2015-02-23 16:50
I am grateful , I feel lucky to come to learn about the Raja Yoga Meditation.
#15 happy gupta 2010-12-26 08:12
The knowledge which I heard from watching your shows on aastha channel have changed my life a lot. thanks.
#14 ANSHU LAKRA 2010-10-24 18:34
Some time back i took drishti from meete (sweet) Baba and could realize the powers it emanated!!!!
#13 gokilavani 2010-09-02 03:36
Dear Dadi Janki, thanks for opening our minds to such beautiful thoughts. Your message has touched my heart and rejuvenated my soul. I understood that we should always be pure and elevated in our mind and heart. om shanti.
#12 Rita Bajaj 2010-08-04 16:18
I have read about the soul. But is there a difference between soul and spirit?
#11 sumita 2010-08-01 01:36
Thanks Dadiji for the message. I had always heard about drishti but by learning that we can make our intellect pure by our elevated thoughts and pure drishti now i will use your message in my day to day life. Thank you for your words which I remember during my morning meditation and these words give nourishment to the soul which last throughout the day. om shanti
#10 D.Damodharan 2010-07-30 16:34
Your every word is thought provoking and one can have practical experience if willing to accept and apply in daily life. Thanks lot for your excellant message.

Om Shanti!
#9 Moderator 2010-07-28 15:51
Mohan Keimrikh: To learn more about Raj Yoga, it would be beneficial to go to your local
center.  If you do not know where that is, and live in India - then go
to and go to contact us.  Or if you live outside India
- on this website go to - Where we Are - and then location near you.
#8 Lt Col Ashok Naidu (Retd) 2010-07-28 02:55
Dadi Ji I attended morning class read by you at Shantivan Mt. Abu, and  was lucky enough to have Drishti from you in Apr2010 at Jakkur, Bangalore. The Impact of Drishti is so powerful that today I am a full time BK.
#7 suvendu mullick 2010-07-27 08:55
Dear Dadiji,
In every message, the way you relate spirituality and practical life is amazing and your practical example helps us to follow the spirituality in our life easily. Like in previous mail you said a simple rule of awareness and attitude...and we found that its very effective.
om shanti.
#6 Deepali 2010-07-27 06:56
Thanks Dadiji for giving such a wounderful message. When there will be these two elevated thoughts in our mind then our drishti will be pure and poweful, which will have positive impact on others whom we meet.
#5 menaka 2010-07-26 15:04
Thank you is really helpful for me to keep my intelect clean and shanti.
#4 Mohan KEIMRIKH 2010-07-26 14:38
Om shanti!
It is me Mohan KEIMRIKH and I am newly interested in your path but without guidance it is not possible, and probably very difficult to do alone. I have a keen interest. Could you advice me with some guideline!

I have read the intellect and drishti & Soul. I am so grateful.
#3 Reena.M.Vala 2010-07-26 14:05
The knowledge which I heard from watching your shows on aastha channel have changed my life a lot. thanks
#2 binita 2010-07-24 12:49
Thank you Dadi, today this is just what I needed. It is the best message for one who has forgotten what is his aim in life.
#1 sumita 2010-07-24 01:59
Yes Dadiji, I had heard about drishti and from your message its very clear we have to keep our intellect very pure because wherever is filled in our drishti will have an impact on the other person.  Thanks dadiji for giving us such penetrating messages for the soul. om shanti
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