What is spirituality?

Dear friends,

Om shanti. What is spirituality? When you go inside the self, you become aware of what spirituality is.  First, it comes into your inner 

awareness that you are a soul.  Then, this awareness creates an attitude of benevolence in the mind. With this benevolent attitude your vision is 

transformed. When the heart is true & clean, then the mind doesn’t wander.  The intellect can engage in spiritual thoughts and be free from 

ego. Ego is like a leach that clings to you.  A person with ego will speak with force & tell others off.

When you maintain a spiritual awareness, you find yourself experiencing purity, truth and love. This becomes visible in a practical way in your 

life and allows you to serve others.


With love,

BK Janki


#8 Moderator 2016-01-30 17:29

Simmi Taneja: Being gentle and kind is a strengh and not a weekness.  If we feel disempowerd by another then it is because we are being subservient in some way, by the other or by a situation.  We have to check our motives and attitude.  Are we doing something just to please another, or because of attachment.  We should choose to do something because we know it is the right thing, based on our spiritual principles.  

#7 Simmi Taneja 2016-01-28 12:58
Dear Moderator: We really appreciate your thoughts. It is true that people take us for granted when we become so gentle and kind. And then it start feel that we are wrong. What should we do in order to know what is ryt and what is wrong for us?
#6 Moderator 2016-01-12 19:21

Nirmala:  To forgive can take a lot of strengh and understanding, which builds capacity and makes you strong from the inside.  From this stance you cannot be deceived, you stand in your own dignity and truth. if anyone takes you for granted that is their lack of understanding and weekness.  Being gentle and forgiving is a benevolent quality.  You do what you can to help others but you never let go of your principles.

Karma:  What ever actions you have done in the past, whether from a past life, or yesterday you will receive the fruit of that.  Good or bad.

#5 Nirmala 2016-01-12 16:17
Dear mam when we practice all good things we become so softer and forgive full and people take us for granted.where to take stand.
What is past life karma?
Thank u
#4 Jasmine 2016-01-12 14:55
Beautifully said.
#3 Sushma Lohan 2016-01-11 09:02
Thanku dadi ji for such simple and crisp description of being spiritual. The step by step transformation has been put in such few words that it has become a "saar" of whole concept. People out of their ignorance remain deprived of such divine messages. Thanku once again.
#2 A.V.Subbi Reddy 2016-01-09 10:53
Respected bk janaki Iam realy appriciat to you for guidance through spitually godly advice I am very interested to listen the silence method of god grace to keep peace of mind. therefore I request you to give me more godly message. Your s mindless mad man,
#1 Satish Kumar Udaiwal 2016-01-09 02:29
Spirituality balances the side effects of Physical & Mental development and brings true happiness in life.
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