In silence we can see reality

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  It is now time for us to go into the state of silence and to experience the power of silence. As we learn to stay in silence, we find we really enjoy the experience. In the stage of soul consciousness we can feel the power that God gives accumulating inside the self.  This gives a great deal of natural happiness and intoxication to the soul. In silence we can see reality. We can feel the vibrations and how those vibrations are spreading out into the atmosphere.

Now is the time to go beyond speaking and thinking. We have to master the mind and intellect and learn to stay in supersensuous joy.  Don’t think or get involved with unnecessary things and you will find that silence brings you strength.

With love,

BK Janki


#2 Dhara.T.Y 2014-01-22 05:00
Dear dadi,
thanks for ur lovely msg,
#1 shelly teja 2014-01-20 12:18
power of silence is powerful power of soul I never relised till i did my rajyog meditaion.Thank you Dadi Janki.
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