Spiritual Company

Dear friends,

Om shanti. The atmosphere when we’re together is such that no one has ordinary thoughts.  Whatever is the quality of the atmosphere we create, 

so this is also the quality of the vibrations.  These things cannot be taught, but we learn these things by being in spiritual company.

Whatever the news is in the world, we have to share love, peace and happiness with one another and with the world. When we bring these 

qualities into our interactions, this will bring happiness.  This experience of spiritual sharing makes us forget things that are mundane 

and ordinary.  These things we don’t forget.  They stay with us as memories that sustain us.

With love,

BK Janki


#1 Kevin Keenoo 2016-06-01 05:40
I'm in absolute agreement with the good thoughts shared here. The company we keep largely defines who we become. It's a simple formula: surround ourselves with positive, pure and spiritual minds, and eventually we shall imbibe the same virtues. Thank you for sharing this inspiring message respected Sister.
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