Your thoughts have become peaceful

Dear friends,

Om Shanti. I feel that for all of you, your thoughts have become peaceful. When the mind is peaceful, the intellect can catch very well; this catching power then works automatically, and you instantly know what you must do. 

Even something that happened this morning shouldn’t come up into your mind. Forget everything of others, and forget everything of the past. Ask yourself, over the past 24 hours, for how long has my mind remained in silence? Now I’m no longer travelling on planes, but all the special souls, my spiritual friends, draw from me while sitting far away.

With love,

BK Janki


#2 jagadish 2017-04-25 13:05
dadi's every word is like a diamond.
#1 Amrita 2017-04-18 06:11
I want to be same like you. I want to learn to see specialities in all soul brother and give happiness to all soul. I want to be strong soul like you.
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