Create an atmosphere

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. Wherever we are, we have to create an atmosphere that spreads in the world.  Merge everything that happened in the past – even things that happened two hours ago. Remain in the present, and you will understand what you have to do for the future. Let there be deep, fervent interest to use time in a worthwhile way.

When I am detached in this manner, I will serve and perform good actions not as a duty, but out of my pure feelings of love and regard. Only allow that which is worthwhile to take up space in your life and mind.  And create an atmosphere around the spaces where you live and serve, that everyone experiences lightness and benefit.

With love,

BK Janki


#15 Moderator 2014-08-26 13:50

ritu:  Call the center in Hyderabad and speak with them to see if there is a solution.

#14 riitu 2014-08-16 19:06
I want to join your centre.I live in Hyderabad India.Your centre is very far from my home.
#13 Mahendra kumar sahum 2014-07-31 13:25

om shanti dadi, we create a wonderful atmosfphere by meditation. we must thought create by pure atmosfeare . Thank u

#12 maria isabel hurtado hernandez 2014-07-27 23:19
Gracias Dadi por ser, por existir y por ser maravilloso instrumento de Dios,cada palabra suya es un columpio para el alma que se mese en el extasis de la sabiduria y de la verdad, en un instante.
#11 Beverley 2014-07-16 11:42
Om shanti. Dadi Janki's words emit such peacefulness. You feel this peace because it already resides in you.
Visit a Brama Kumaris center near you. You will learn the methods to bring out your inner peace and to experience this peace always; no matter what obsticles may be facing you.

Om shanti
BK Beverley
#10 Moderator 2014-07-11 16:07

Shivani:  I would suggest you re-visit the brahma kumaris center to 'top up' your experience.  Any real change will come from your own efforts, using tools that will help you.  Good wishes and pure feelings are always with you.

#9 Moderator 2014-07-11 16:05

Kanmani,  for guidence and spiritual teaching including meditation it is good to go to a center to learn directly.  If you live in India there go to and go to the tab - Cener Near You'.  If you live outside india go to and go to the tab 'Center Near You'.  When you contact them they will be able to tell you what time and which classes are available.  Enjoy!

#8 Shivani 2014-07-10 03:13
Om Shanti Om
Dear Dadi Ji ,
I went to BKS work shop in Singapore ,that time I felt great but now my mind is wavering again and not in my control please give me ur drishti.
Om Shanti Om
#7 Kanmani 2014-07-09 16:17
I need guidance on spiritual teaching and knowledge. Pkease help me. I am confused. I am keen and longing about this for a very long time. Tq
#6 Juliet shields 2014-07-08 20:43
So beautiful, that we must create that deep feeling of love so that serving becomes natural, an expression of our spiritual love for our brothers , and our planet . Dadi is that in her every breath and wants us to taste the sweetness of being unlimited servers through our minds , staying subtle , not looking for name or fame , she is my inspiration , my deep love ,our mother for one and all .
#5 D.B.PALIPANA 2014-07-08 18:40

Om shanti.  I am in Sri Lanka.  I study spiritual knowledge and meditate.  I want your drishti (spriritual vision) Mother. 

#4 Ratheesh 2014-07-08 14:49

I have been practicing. Bless me Shiv Baba.

#3 Sushil Pal 2014-07-08 11:18

Dear Dadi, Om shanti ! After listening to Sister Shivani on TV for one week, yesterday i went to BK centre & today i'll start my 7 days course. Hope i would get peace. 

#2 Saroj Kumar Das 2014-07-04 17:42

Thanks Dadiji for such valuable and beneficial message of the time. 

#1 Rajendra 2014-07-04 07:21
whenever I read massage of dadi Janki I feel very light and find a new way to live my life.
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Words for the World - Relationships

Brahma Kumaris Spiritual leader Dadi Janki explains how many relationships with God are possible, including God as Mother, Father, friend, teacher, and more.

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