Love for each one

Dear friends,

Om shanti.  They say that I am the head of this organization.  And in an organization of this size, so many things happen.  If I were to think about all of those things, I might become heavy.

I know you are my companions in serving the world, so I don’t consider myself to be a “head.” I just have love for each one. Even in a gathering of twenty-five thousand, I have love for each one.  It’s not a big thing to love each one, is it?  If I want to accomplish something practically, I need the power of love from the Supreme and the power of cooperation from everyone else.  And you can do the same.  Take the power of love from the Supreme and you will experience yourself as filled with love for each one you meet. Then their cooperation will be natural.

With love,

BK Janki


#8 love goel 2015-08-18 20:18
how to surive in life with very peace you should teach from brhma kumari
#7 Samita Paul 2015-08-06 12:28
The point which always gives me a ray of hope, that I am not alone, is "GODFATHER HAS COME"

Everyone should follow this knowledge.
Thanks for strengthening me again
om shanti
#6 dhruv sindhwani 2015-07-29 09:09
its really a wonderful organisation ! The team members of brahma kumaris are serving very good by giving the knowledg of real god that is shiv baba....if anyone want peace in their life go at brahma kumaris ....because i think that this is only the place in world where we able to get inner peace and happiness. THANKS
#5 Tatiana Bakogianni 2015-07-28 12:27
Thank you Brahma Kumaris. You changed my life! Om shanti.
#4 priya gupta 2015-07-27 07:25
Thank you dadi ji for your gud advice.
I"ll definitely follow it,after all we are God's meethe bachche...
#3 Sandra 2015-07-25 04:37
I have my heart open and am assisting to spiritual organizations,because I think I got a treasure that I have to share and don't know how.I got LOVE! pure and I feel blessed and in a debt.
#2 Vikram 2015-07-24 08:28

Om shanti Dadi wonderful msg Thank you so much for sharing.

#1 Rajendra Bhagat 2015-07-23 11:02
Om Shanti
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Words for the World - Inner Strength

Dadi Janki explains how the practice of remaining courageous and fearless inside brings strength in difficult situations.

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