None of us is alone

Dear friends,

Om Shanti.  We are all friends are we not? All of you are Dadi’s friends. And God is also our Mother, Father, Teacher and also our Friend. Dadi used to wonder, how will I meet God in the form of a friend? One of the other Dadis taught me how to do this. When I keep God as my Companion, then His company colours me. None of us is alone.  We all have God’s company. And when I keep God as my Friend, then I can be a friend to others. 

Make your inner stage such that when people come in front of you, you can give them good feelings and the strength to face the situations that come in their lives. You can do this if you learn to see everyone’s specialities.  Don’t see their weaknesses; see what is special in each one, and make them your friend.  There is no friendship like spiritual friendship.

With love,

BK Janki


#7 vijay 2015-12-19 04:58
Yes true the life is the same as it was,it is but the difference is we have father above us who entrusted us that nothing will wrong with you so he is there.

that simple line is all about the Bharamkumaris..
#6 Yash 2015-12-13 19:19
M feeling very special l
#5 sunita 2015-12-09 05:54
drama is wonderful, we are happy
#4 Sonika 2015-12-07 05:31

Dear BK

I am reading, listening the philosophies of BK from last 8 years with inbetween gaps of time. It has been very appealing as it was rational but i am nearly not able to bring it to higher level than at just knowledge level.

Life has be difficult, well it is trying to teach me something....and i am taking long to learn it as i was stuck with my old habbits or sanskars.

I have a question: If somebody is doing injustice at one front and doing very good with other person. Which one will decide the final result of both karmas (good at one and injustice at other level)
#3 ranjan ghoshal 2015-12-05 06:34
Wonderful statement
#2 ritu 2015-12-05 03:23
I was feeling very lonely today. And I am really surprised to see this message. I feel now that God is really great and he is my best friend.
#1 Ramakant Deshmukh 2015-12-03 09:48
Yes we r happy
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Words for the World - Pure Feelings

Dadi Janki explains how to create pure feelings through the practice of silence.

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