We are servers

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  We are servers.  Do a lot of service, and you will receive a lot of love.  When you perform acts of charity, don’t seek fruit or rewards instantly for what you have done.  What does a gardener do?  He ploughs the earth, sows his seeds at the right time, and pulls out the weeds.

 Now is the time to keep going around the world to serve. The world is not a big place.  Wherever you go, you should arrange to do service.  According to time, each one of you should be touched as to what your next move should be.  Time is valuable.  Give value to time and time will finish your weaknesses.

With love,

BK Janki


#11 Maatny 2012-01-01 05:01
I get hope from my knowledge about the existing holy spirit. It gives me his spiritual sending me answers for all makes me write that answers in the power of words. With useful in their true sense. This is how the spirit works - he gives word by word to us. In sence-setting use of his gift. This way he chose to all of us. I have to write such messages. It is no more the time for questions but it seems obvious to be the time. Inmidst of our generation this shall be Said and Skripted: We receive Words now in a full spirit of a godsoul Sense from Holy Hights
#10 Srinivas 2011-11-23 13:48

Thank you Janki didi. Love makes you feel for others.You try to do what you can to help others in that compassion and without any expectation. This service can be done at one's own work place. Doing one's own duty sincerely, as work is worship. The reward is your remuneration. One can serve others in their leisure time, or in their retirement. The feeling of giving should be there and the giver is the benificiary as it gives satisfaction and happiness.

#9 Moderator 2011-11-15 16:46

Monaliza:  If we want to achive somthing we have to pay attention to it.  Determination is needed.  Past is the past and every day we are given new opportunities.  If we have courage we will receive help. Take the fist step  . . . all will be well.

#8 Moderator 2011-11-15 16:39

Namita and Janki: Each of us is given time, if we have respect for our time and use it in a worlthwhile way, time will serve us.  If we have value for somthing we take great care of it, we will get the reward of that.  Like anything, the more we pay attention to it the more it will flourish.

#7 janki 2011-11-14 04:42
i know the value of time but i am not able to manage the time. so tell me how should i do it...
#6 BK Bhawna 2011-11-13 17:36

Whenever i listen to anhy of the senior member of BK. I always find a higher purpose in life. As the world really needs postive power, i keep crearing positive thoughts for each and everyone, even if someone does wrong, i feel positive and good and it changes the sitatuions! Dadi Ji keep Guiding us. Om shanti!

#5 anita sharam 2011-11-13 08:21

thanku baba for reminding us thru dadiji to value time. this also is God's luv for us children as HE wants us to be like HIM & become good & nice

#4 NAMITA 2011-11-12 15:55
I love very much to go everyday in bk center, but I can not manage the time.How can I solve it?
#3 Moderator 2011-11-12 13:43

Mamta: Time is Valuable and if we do not waste it then time will become your friend and cooperate with you.

#2 mokshit 2011-11-09 09:02
om shanti
spiritually from bk is such bk janki di.(as all brothers and sister) when we do charity at the same time we feel such hapiness.like we are though giving them money or things.these are just meduims.first thing which we give is love to that person.we really dont care that i gave him help god will give me help.after learning from you people.its i helped them i love them.i feel good and happy at same moment.i need not to wait for longer for fruit longer.i immediately get it.
god bless me as such that soon i can come mount abu and take your blessings. shower your love on me
#1 mamta 2011-11-09 05:23

really dadi g..u r absolutely right abt the time.if we will not give the value to someone then we can get in reverse.so its also same with time. i know the value of time but i am not able to manage the time. so tell me how should i do it...

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