Never give up on anyone

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  No matter how long it takes, never give up on anyone.  Even if someone seems to leave the path of benefit and go off in another direction, don’t lose the connection with that one over time.  Others may take a very long time to reach the level you know they could attain.   But when they finally reach that level, will be cause for great celebration.  Until this time of success, do not let go of them.  See the qualities and specialties of the soul and stay light.

If we think about the situations the soul is involved with, we can become heavy.   Heavy thoughts weaken our health.  Never use the word “problem.”  Don’t have heavy thoughts.  When you rest, be free of thoughts.

With love,
BK Janki


#35 Mahendra kumar sahu 2014-07-31 13:14
om shanti dadi, i think this is right to don't heavy thought and negative.
never give up anyone this is absulatily right , we can solw any problem because every thing is posible.
#34 Moderator 2012-07-24 17:00

baby: As Dadi has said, thinking about situations over and over make the soul heavy.  We generally have a bad habit of thinking about things too much, "He said, she said, why is this happening etc."  These wasteful and negative thoughts of worry and overthinking make us heavy.  If we start to have postitive creative thoughts to bring solutions, we will begin to feel lighter, and our energy will change.  The time it takes will depend on our commitment.

#33 baby 2012-07-22 13:45
dear moderator,om shanti.i would like 2 ask how to make our self free of heavy thoughts that are related to soul.and how much time it will take if we follow .
#32 priyanka 2012-04-25 06:05
ur words of wisdom are beautiful, i am big fan iof shivani didi and she is just amazing. she is so lucid and deals the problems of daily life so beautifully that it seems there was no problem at all.
#31 Moderator 2012-04-09 16:46

Menuka:  Attachment always brings sorrow, as you have probably experienced.  Expectations in whatever or whoever we are attached to rarely meet our desires.  If we focus instead on the attainment we receive from strenghting our spiritual selves and developing our relationship with God then we become happier, our relationships become more harmonious and our decision making will be better.  Better choices will lead to a happier life for us, our families and comunities.

#30 ravikumar vangala 2012-04-07 19:11
Dear Dadiji, Om shanti ! yours messages and talks are very powerful and inspirational. Iam experiencing that regular meditation and your messages helps us in dealing with difficult situations in life without the influence of heavy thoughts.
#29 Raisa 2012-04-07 12:11
Om Shanti!

Sister Shivani, your programme - Awakening with Brahma Kumaris has changed my life

Thank you!
#28 satyendra kumar sethi 2012-04-06 23:23
dear dadi's words are a source of inspiration full of optimistic outlook towards life expressed in a simple and lucid way.they are the quintessence of wisdom embodying a deep philosophy of absolute faith in and total surrender to almighty god which only can help the depressed souls to attain true peace and happiness,tranquillity and everlqsting bliss in life.
#27 Moderator 2012-04-06 22:36

Andrew Dent. To find out more about us we suggest you go  'Where We Are' on this website you will see the locations of centers of the Brahma Kumaris.  You will be then able to have first hand experinece. 

#26 satyendra k sethi 2012-04-06 01:08
our dearest and most loving and respectful Dadiji, om shanti.
your precious words are quintessence of wisdom and would act as a healing balm in this wornld all over surrounded by negative vibrations and could serve as a healing touch to the sadenning souls, and prove to be a ray of hope to the depressed souls and serve as an "awakening" call to the troubled minds.
#25 neetu singh 2012-04-05 13:01
omshanti dadi
#24 swami 2012-04-05 12:51
after reading this i felt very relaxed.
#23 shikha 2012-04-05 04:32
dear dadiji ,thankyou for your inspiration thoughts. it help me a lot to deal with typical situations.
#22 B.K.Gajen 2012-04-04 19:44
Those were Multi million worth of words dadi gi..thank you.
#21 Jagruti hariyani 2012-04-04 16:42
om shanti..
my mind is full of thoughts thinking about everything and everybody .. i rest yet i think that i am restless . i need my good thoughts to be powerful so that i can attain my goal and make myself stable ..all i need to do is meditation or concentration ,hw can i concentrate with carrying all these thoughts in my mind ....????/
#20 Lalit kumar kaser 2012-04-04 11:20
Thanks you
#19 Anjana 2012-04-04 08:33
Om Shanti Dadiji,

Thank you so much for the wonderful message and relieving me from my heavy thoughts.
#18 valter julian 2012-04-04 08:23
om shanthi .......
#17 menuka 2012-04-04 07:35
thank u so much dadi,
first please accept my "pranam". i am really relieved after going via ur message. it sometimes becomes difficult to judge ur own thoughts. ur innerself knows and acknowledge every change in ur life but when it come to deliver ur thought into action it really seems painful. actually the attachments in our lives are so strong that it has put curtains in our mind and heart. i totally understand that one should not give uo on anyone. dadi can you please let me know how to detach yourself from those unwanted and foolish desires so that u can be wise and impartial.
help me!
#16 rohitsharma 2012-04-04 01:18
dear friends,om shanti as dadi said never have the word problem all it takes us the time to resolve sometimes it is beyond our hands in that case just let it remain for the almighty brahma and his child fulfuil your duties today and thus tommorrow is guaranteed by him.
#15 Andrew Dent 2012-04-03 21:45
i will like to know more about you
#14 HT 2012-04-03 19:15
Dadi is very true
#13 jesmin 2012-04-03 18:49
I like very much maa thoughts. and i always trying to joined with this sanstha but i have some problems. but now i want realy joining ur asarma. plz help me. ur daughter
#12 Rashmi 2012-04-03 11:04
That's the way forward...we all need to remember that the other person is also a soul and a child of God. Its also in their true nature to attain peace and by not giving up on them we leave the door always open for them to come back to their true state. Thank you Dadi...
#11 pratibha chavan 2012-04-03 08:32
om shanti!!
#10 Dr Anil tripathi 2012-04-03 08:03
This has truely helped me.This teaches us to love each being unconditionally..
#9 nirmal s tomar 2012-04-03 06:44

OM SHANTI, As a soul i can make out this organisation is gods organisation and souls involved in it are close to god.U are healing the souls which is required today.Today in such an environment where every min passes with efforts only god can give relief.

#8 apolo perez 2012-04-02 22:39
to meditate to ease my mind and soul. i dont know how. and i really need to go home to my family. but i dont know how will i tell my employers about this matter. i am a family driver. they are so kind to me. i dont know if they will approve. I am so desperate to be at peace. to clear my mind of so many things. please help me. advice or help me find myself. help me meditate. i am so desperate. thank you for reading this message. i hope i will receive something for my troubled mind. God Bless!
#7 apolo perez 2012-04-02 22:33

hi! i've been longing for inner peace. my mind is very full. i cant think straight. i have so many troubles in my mind, soul and in my heart. since i was young, i always thought of love. for my parents and my siblings. now that i am new family is my strength and love, but i dont forget my parents and siblings. they are all a part of me. now that i am alone here in jeddah i missed them so much that i wanted to go home. i cant barely sleep at night for 3 consecutive months now. i always want them to be on skype even if they are already asleep. i know i have a troubled mind. 

#6 Rachna 2012-04-02 16:26

Dear Dadi ji, It is so comforting to read your words and to realize how much love you and your organization have for every soul. This is a very new discovery for me, that one can be so large and so encompassing in extending good wishes. Thank you for seeding such a thought. With love,

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