Dear Friends,
Om shanti. You have to know God very deeply and well, so your intellect becomes clean. Then you can see what is inside of you, and your intellect won’t get caught in waste. Sometimes you may be thinking wasteful thoughts, but you consider them to be right thoughts, and so you continue in that way. Make your intellect very peaceful, very pure, and put it in front of God. There is a lot of benefit in this quality of thought.
When you do this, your self-confidence grows. It is God’s wonder, but a feeling comes inside that everything you had hoped for can happen. Everything is happening naturally, and for the future also, everything will happen naturally. This faith becomes a force that enables things to happen. Without this faith, you will have doubt and some things will go wrong. But with the force of this faith things you had thought to be impossible will happen naturally.
With love,
BK Janki
Debabata Deb: When you make true effort and things don't seem to be working out, there can be different reasons for this. The influence of past Karma may be affecting the reconciliation. However, this can change with time. Karma is action and so by seeing benefit, and bringing benefit to a situation, ultimately things move. Love and forgiveness is a powerful force and sometimes love means sacrifice, with humility and compassion. Actions done in this awareness create good karma transformation happens.
Om Santi.
Life of this world is a comfort of illusion.
one who realised himself he realised GOD.
This is my messages and I strongly propose to
spread this doctrines all over the Globe resulting
peace and harmony everywhere.f