Dear Friends,
Om shanti. It is very important to understand the answers to these questions: Who do I belong to? Who belongs to me? And what is it that I have to do? First ask, Who am I? Go deep inside the self and also look above. This experience of going deep within feels very good. Most people aren’t even aware of the quality of their lives and that it’s possible to have a higher quality of life. Life unfolds a day at a time, but for most it is not very happy. It’s superficial, without inner happiness.
Inner happiness is not going to come from the outside in. There might be a temporary happiness that comes to me from the outside, but along with that there will also be the experience of sorrow. Look at your whole timetable throughout the day, and ask yourself, “How much happiness did I have today, and how much sorrow did I have today?” Then, create the positive thoughts that will bring happiness into your life.
With love,
BK Janki
Amitanshu: We select our lives by the actions we do in this life! If we want a prosperous life then it is good to do the sort of actions that will bring prosperity, real prosperity not only material, but a wealth of knowledge and of virtues which bring peace, happiness and good relationships. So to bring an elevated future we should do elevated good actions!
Adi: We do choose our destiny by the actions we take, for this life and the next. God is our spiritual Parent, Teacher and Guide. Since God is the Truth, altruistic and filled with all qualitys of wisdom, love, peace happiness etc. then by connecting to him through meditation, (Yoga) we draw these qualities from God so that we can use these qualities and Gods power in our lives to make better choices and bring about the change we need individually and in the world. This is our Godly Inheritnace. We, actually do not worship God but as God's children we have a lot of love, respect and faith in our unlimited Parent, and remember 'Him' and this creates a deep and unlimited bond.
Okenema Anthony: The more we parctice the more faith we develop in oursleves. The more we experience the fruit of our practice the more faith we will have in the method.
There is one question that always perplexes me. It is believed that before we are born we choose our own lives in the spiritual world that we plan to lead while on earth. Then it is believed that we are the creators of our own destiny on earth, we have to take actions in life that help us grow, the spiritual world or God does not intefere. If we land in a mess it is because of our doing. If I have to choose my life in the spiritual world, if I have to make sure that I dont land in a soup with my life on earth. I am doing everythng. Then what is God for? Why should I worship him?
Thanks Dadi JI, your messages are enlightening. Daily introspection and filling the self- accountability chart of “How much happiness did I have today, and how much sorrow did I have today?” really improves the happiness for the next day...
each n every word of yours is filled with power n love.
with regards
Thank you Dadi ji, Om Shanti
Thank you Elza, edited the mistake.
Thanks for this valuable advice and highly useful guidance.
Om Shanti!