Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Never become hopeless or disheartened.This will make you sad.
Realize that you the soul are a child of God and that this is the time
to know your true Father and bring benefit to yourself and others. Keep
this courage. Go inside and forge a strong connection with the self,
with the Father and with this elevated time and you will experience
happiness. God is pleased with an honest heart and a heart that is free
of tension. Make yourself like this.
With love,
BK Janki
I was really feeling very low , after I read your message ,
and looking at the website found a new direction in my life,
Rajkumar Arora
Om shanti Thanks for the wonderful message people commit crimes when they become disheartened and hopeless but if they understand the simple feeling of love and honesty the world would become a paradise. Whenever I feel low I just open the internet read murli (spiritual knowledge) that gives a lot of motivation and explains the purpose to live.
Om Shanti. Today i was really upset. Must say that so depressed that i felt that i am good for nothing in my family. Finally i read "Never become hopeless or disheartened" and m feeling so better. Yes i belive in spirituality and believe tht above all there is a supreme power taking care of us.
I am really grateful to you.I have been watching "AWAKENING WITH BK" on SANSKAR channel more than a year.It helped me much to realize myself.Now i can recognized myself.Who am i.Still i am on the journey.I have started meditation and still Im trying convert my believe system from negetive to postitive.And it works.Now i can check my thought process.But sometimes i become very body conscious.
Who i am ? I am a pure, lovable,peacefull soul on this earth. I am here only to play my roles according to my karmic accounts. These thoughts give me happiness and self-realization.
om shanthi, thank you sister for wonderfull message...if this message understand perfectly world free of hosptals and courts.
I am striving to live as light as a feather - and have a "heart free of tension". Thanks for awakening me to that possibility.