Soul Connections 02 - Right action, Right thoughts

November 25, 2011

Shivani talks about: When we do something for someone let us take care that along with the right action our thoughts are also right. If we have negative thoughts of unwillingness or resentment and we do the right action, neither we nor they will be happy.

and much more....

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#7 Mary (Moderator) 2017-01-06 21:43
The Brahma Kumaris have centres all over the world. Hopefully, there is one near you. Please use the Centre Locater on this website to find the nearest centre. You can contact that centre and find out what programs and classes they offer that might interest you. You can meet people there who are practicing Raja Yoga Meditation and join in our mission of making the world a more peaceful and harmonious place!
#6 Ganesh 2017-01-04 06:47
inspired about your mission . I want involve with you
#5 subbu 2016-12-31 13:07
Intersted to view
#4 Mary (Moderator) 2016-12-17 22:11
God does not have a physical body and therefore cannot be “seen” with the eyes. However, it is possible to feel the presence of God, or the closeness of God, because without the restrictions of a physical body, God’s energy can travel anywhere. In Raja Yoga meditation, we develop the abilities to connect with God by understanding His qualities and then opening ourselves to experiencing them. Generally, when people encounter God, they experience sublime states of love, peace or happiness. These are core qualities of a human soul, and so we all can recognize them. The Supreme Soul also has these qualities, in their most perfect state, all the time. By connecting with the pure and perfect energy of God, one can bring his/her own energy to higher states of purity and strength.
#3 Mary (Moderator) 2016-12-17 21:57
All Brahma Kumaris centres offer an introductory course that contains the basic principles of ShivBaba’s teachings. You can take this course free of charge. Some centres offer this course individually and some centres offer scheduled group classes. Go to the Centre Locator button on this website and find a centre that is close to you. You can find out from that centre how the course is offered there.
#2 Satish B.K. 2016-12-13 10:51
Tell me more about Shiv Baba Teachings
#1 Satish B.K. 2016-12-13 10:49
Have you ever seen God?
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