How do we know if a decision will bring benefit or not? How do we know if the answer is coming from a clean space? Join us as Keith Woods, Dean of Poynter Institute interviews Shireen Chada, Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris Tampa about the Power to Discern.
I am 33 years old married , and stay with my Father, Mother ,wife ,younger brother and two small kids of mine.
We are into business of construction from many years and automobile. We have started the automobile business 3 years back and invested heavily in that through own contribution of funds and borrowed funds , but cause few sudden changes and government procedure , the calculation in business have changed drastically and fluctuating very much. I have definitely taken lot of energy from the spiritual things and have 100℅ faith on it. But cause of financial sudden changes on regular basis, there too much of difference of opinion cause which there friction on daily basis . I am very much confident about my few major decisions could make all this on track, but cause of difference of opinion the decision are getting delayed which also building the additional expenses for future. This also aading negatively external with money lender a lot especially my father . How to handle that negatively as that is also postponing are financial planning a lot. My father , mother and brother are not supporting or changes the decision as per the mood. This puttinge trimendence pressure on me . I want a discuss this in person . I stay in Pune , Kothrud, how could I be helped and whom to contact on urgent basis. As I am aware my family people needs a good counselling to gain there confidence, they also do the Rajyod meditation referring you tube.
Need urgent guidance.