Beyond Meditation.mp4

April 04, 2013

In the philosophy of raja yoga, the Supreme is that one who remains beyond duality, the infulence of matter, the entanglement of time and the experience of the senses. This meditation invites you to take a vacation and visit the great beyond where God resides. For more videos, visit us at

Views 3,746

#13 Ramesh Prajapati 2016-01-23 09:04
Om Shanti.

Good gives us strength to overcome vices and leave life with it's full strength. Then life becomes peaceful and happy in every respect.

Luv you Shiv Baba.

#12 sr n 2016-01-21 09:02
i wish Rajyoga meditation should be available as TV Shows regularly. For adults and disabled its not possible to be at the Centers....

Rajyoga Meditation is really life and thought changing experience...

I'm trying to implement it in my personal daily life and getting results so gd and beyond expression... sometimes found magical.....

Tx a lot BKS

kindly consider displaying complete Rajyoga Meditation Course as TV show......Plz...

#11 vijay 2015-02-22 12:30
Beautiful philosophy of Raj Yoga.
It takes you in the world where every thing is in its place of silence and I enjoy being in it as long as possible.
Thanks for posting this video.
#10 meenu 2014-12-20 15:14
simple. way to liv the life
#9 Gill 2014-11-06 23:33
This was so ironic -- I was looking for jobs after having an emotional break down about how I have no job, I'm going no where in life and due to my gypsy soul, I'll never be able to find happiness settled down. I came online and clicked on this website and this meditation was here. So healing. Thanking the universe for it's healing hands lending me all the support I need. Thank-you. With love and gratitude<3
#8 anu 2014-10-09 22:22
i want to write a message about the program (awakening by brahmakumaries) have been watching the program religeously for 4 years but now thank you so much for the new episodes. i enjoy each one of them. thank you again
#7 Karen Miller 2014-10-05 20:20
Peace. Great peace. Om Shanti

I am reminded how important meditating is. It feels so wonderful why am I not rushing to do more?
#6 Nikhil Gupta 2014-09-23 07:19
Thank you for such a wonderful meditation vedio which helps to go beyond this physical world.
#5 Moderator 2014-09-02 21:35

Dear Manoj,

Please look online for your nearest Centre in Chennai,

Best wishes

#4 Manoj Kumar Jha 2014-08-26 07:06
Yesterday nightat 10.00 I saw the Programme of Sister Shivani on Sanskaar TV.
I live in Chennai and I want to join the awakening class or meditation here in Chennai. Where is your branch in Chennai? Please inform me
#3 binod kumar saw 2014-08-14 04:29
It is my privilege of blessings that I am a member of brahma kumaris . it brings immense pleasures to me and all around my surroundings that develops the relationship of love and beautiful life....and environment....

thank you
mera baba

14th August 14
#2 saldy 2013-12-12 00:51
a real vacation of the mind..
#1 veena 2013-09-03 15:05
very relaxing andexperience the reality of life.loved it.
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