Be who you were born to be

February 18, 2010

Be who you were born to be , an uplifting song by Bliss

Views 2,556

#8 Carol 2016-10-11 14:38
A lovely video and song and something we all need to remind ourselves.x
#7 vijaya baidya 2011-04-14 19:58
love this song.really nice.
#6 Lizzie 2010-11-15 14:43
Every sentence in this song feels comforting and inspiring for me. It feels uniquely familiar and loving. Thank you. It is beautiful.
#5 rajan 2010-11-11 13:07
since last two years i have been watching bk.shivani & kanupriya session along with dr,i am inspiired
enlightened and put into light as to lot of matters related life.these discourses are of immense value to my life,career,and for conducting my courses related to personality developement in schools and colleges,
#4 Trish 2010-10-17 11:27
Beautiful words, thank you. I am very new at this and learning to let things go, this was very inspirational for me.
#3 Harsha 2010-09-18 16:25
Om shanti,your program at astha is really impressive,we request to increse it's time..............thank you.Om shanti.
#2 Dewi Minangsari 2010-08-17 14:08
Thank you!!!!..Inspiring n calming
#1 Kelli 2010-08-09 23:21
Beautiful! Thank you! Om Shanti!
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