Potato Burgers

October 03, 2010

Burgers are very popular today. Meat-eaters have hamburgers but what about vegetarians? We suggest Potato Burgers! It’s a substantial and really tasty dish that will make meat-eaters envy you.

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  1. Mashed potatoes
  2. Raisins
  3. Black pepper
  4. Oil for frying
  5. Salt
  6. Semolina for coating


  1. In a bowl mix the mash potatoes with salt and pepper
  2. Form a burger and flatten slightly so you can put raisins inside
  3. Re-form into a burger shape and coat with semolina
  4. Heat oil in a kadai and put in the burgers
  5. Fry 5-6 minutes until golden brown on both sides
  6. Serve with tomato sauce

#1 Deborah 2011-03-01 12:58
yummy yummy, is that Mary's voice? delicious, thank you.
do u have to fry 'em or can u cook 'em in pan w/a little oil?
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