Cooking with Brad: Asparagus Pancake

December 31, 2009

Here's a recipe for a soul who's always "on the go". You don't want to miss this, as Brad melts cheese into the shape of Cuba.

Views 10,075


  1. 6 - 8 fresh asparagus
  2. 2 tablespoon chopped basil
  3. 1 teaspoon olive oil
  4. 1 teaspoon salt
  5. pinch of asafoetida or hing
  6. 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese


  1. Heat non-stick frying pan or non-stick wok.
  2. Add oil, hing and asparagus
  3. Stir and cook evenly
  4. Add salt and basil
  5. Cook until tender for about 3 mins
  6. Remove cooked asparagus from pan
  7. In the same pan on a low heat, add cheese and spread evenly
  8. Cook for about 1 min or until golden brown
  9. Add cooked asparagus on one end of the cooked cheese and cover it with the other end
  10. Serve hot as a delicious breakfast or a starter

#2 maria 2010-02-23 09:51
Beautiful and simple.Thank you for posting!go fast and first!
#1 Laura 2010-02-20 17:27
These cooking videos are amazing and it is so helpful to see with our eyes how it is done. I was wondering if it would be possible to post the written recipe along with the video.

Thank you so much to all involved in presenting these.

Om Shanti.
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